More Love Less Ego

If you’re a Nigerian then you probably already know where the title of today’s post was derived from but if you don’t, then I will tell you. More love less ego is the title of a new music album of a very popular Nigerian musician whose name is Wizkid, though the album hasn’t been released yet. But you know what the surprising thing is, the surprising thing is that today’s post has nothing to do with the musician or the upcoming album, it’s something completely different.

A few days ago, I and two of my friends (a lady and a guy) were having a conversation in my room when the topic of apologizing was brought up. The guy had said something that I later told him to be nothing but stupidity. According to him, he hated apologizing even if he was at fault. He said he would rather find another way to make the person forgive him rather than to say the words “I’m sorry”.

It made me think for a moment why anyone would find it hard to apologize after committing an offense and then I came to the conclusion that it was nothing but ego, a very foolish one at that.

I can’t count scenarios where I have had to apologize to people, not because I was wrong but because I wanted love and peace. There had even been cases where I apologized on the behalf of other people because to me, nothing beats peace and happiness.

If the words “I’m sorry” is going to bring a smile to your face, then I would say it a million times and I would mean it. Because I know apologizing is nothing unless you truly mean it.

More love and less ego is what everyone needs right now because why not?


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