"How Can I Get Big Upvotes on Hive?" .:. Late Night Blogging

...if I got a dollar for every time I saw that question on Hive, I would be a millionaire... 🙂 Let's be honest from the very beginning... I don't know the answer to the question, but I do know some other things that could be helpful for some of you... But before we dive deeper, let's clarify a few more things...

Firstly, I know how it looks to be a beginner on HIVE... Yes, I was there 4-5 years ago, but I was there, as well like EVERYONE else on this network! So, you are NOT the only one who have/has/had the problem of being a beginner and having low upvotes on their posts...

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Secondly, I know that you are creating great content, probably the best content ever... for you... But, is it valuable for others too? I mean, I can say that my content is the best content on HIVE, but if it doesn't add value to others, that's just my BIASED opinion and not the truth! It's irrelevant what YOU (or I) think about your/my content, it's important what it means for others! Other people are those who are checking your posts and UPVOTE them... People do forget that behind every account is a person who evaluates the post before upvoting...

Thirdly, do you grow your HivePower and do you upvote/support other content creators? It doesn't matter if your upvote is worth 1/10 of a cent, or $1, the important is to support fellow authors and commentators... Again, not for the sake of spending your mana, but to truly enjoy consuming the content... If you don't enjoy it, don't upvote it! Simple as that! Many make a huge mistake by supporting content that they didn't even look at. It can be very self-destructive, as, in that way, you show that you support low-effort posts, spam, or something even worse... That can send a bad message to newcomers that we support that on HIVE...

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... and the most important thing of all...

If you are here for the people, for the friends on HIVE, for making new connections, and for helping out others, you don't have to worry about upvotes, and you probably don't worry about that at all! You KNOW that your posts mean something to your friends and readers, and you don't need additional confirmation of that! But, usually, upvotes are following when you focus on people, and not on the money...

In the end... We always come to the same conclusion... If you think that money earned through upvotes can motivate you to succeed on HIVE, I have bad news for you... It could work out for you in the short term, but it doesn't work in the long term... Hive isn't different from life, what counts the most are people around you, those who care about you, friends, and family...

Do you consider yourself a part of the HIVE family?

Thank you for your time,


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