W69E2: My Awful Experience in the Hospital!

My most recent hospital experience!

My hospital experience in years was awful and disgusting. In my life, I have never seen dead people with my optical eyes, because of aunt's child who was hospitalized for months in the hospital. I saw things i never wish to you.

For the number of days I stayed in hospital, I tagged teaching hospital as “a camping ground for the sick” I saw how sickness dealt with the body figure of men/women. I shed tears and I prayed “God should have mercy on every one of them”.
Another awful experience was when I entered ward by ward to get drugs for my aunt's child, it was another story entirely. This time around, I couldn't eat when i returned home. Different people with different problems, all rooms filled with sick people. Oh, my God! It was so terrible to have such an experience.

The annoying part, are the nurses. Some of them behaved like witches and wizards. Helpless people rushed into the hospital for help, but they couldn't know what to do, some will be watching how the rushed patients in, and they pretended as if nothing was happening. I felt like flogging sense into their brain, but I couldn't. Look at the way these nurses were joking with people's lives. A young girl, who was rushed to the emergency ward, died because there was no attention given to her. It was so painful.

The hospital is a place of live and dead. If the doctors or nurses are not careful with your life, sorry will be your family's name. Hospital, is another world; therefore, we shouldn't wish ourselves or our loved ones to be there.

Moreover, another disgusting thing I saw was, in their cloakroom, it was untidy, contracting of infection was easier for them that were not wise. This one my church member took me to the HIV patients ward, I saw some very healthy and some lanky.

My going to the hospital wasn't for me to gain bad experience. I also learned so many things, especially hospital terminologies, that is, instruments used in the patients for treatment. I also learned communication with the doctors and nurses. Likewise, I learned many things, seriously. Furthermore, I also met new friends.

To tell you the truth, hospital experience is not good. I advised everyone to stay diligently working towards their health to prevent been hospitalized. This life is full of vicissitudes one must pass through awful situations, so we can learn.
I used to wonder, every blessed day why patients will be rushed to the hospital for treatment in other to gain their good health and returned, but some will stay for years and returned without getting a solution to their health issues.

This post is in response to hive learners contest week 69 edition 2.

Thank you for reading and my appreciation goes to Hive learners initiators for their effort to make this community a place for people to learn.

I love, I care, and I forgive.

I remain @peckypeace.

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