I Am My Self Motivation

I Am My Self Motivation

Hello everyone, it's another good day to bring you this message from the book of my heart.


Image Designed by Me

I am one of those persons that started making decisions for themselves from an early stage of life. I didn't have an option since life drove me into those shoes and asked me to wear them as such, I never can tell if I would've been better than the way I am right now being under the umbrella of other people's control and directions, but one thing I'm certain about right now is that I'm not in the mud and I'm not actually on my way going there. Life without both parents thought me how to be brave and how to make good decisions for myself, I've learnt those steps the hard way because there wasn't anybody to support me when I mess up so why should I mess up?

Making decisions literally turned another way of solving arithmetic for me because I'll have to do some plus and minus and make sure the repercussions or results of my actions favors me atleast more than how it will not, that's me, I do my things with allot of calculations and that has helped me countless times.

Talking about decision making, you can be on a safer side when you also prepare for worst or probably when things doesn't go as plan, this is a good way of taking decisions also, the question "What if" should be part of that decision-making because it will put us safely on the ground when the ladder finally breaks down with us. Another thing that keeps me going is the bravery act of taking this decisions and not letting the fear of the ladder breaking hold me to the ground and not climbing up.


Photo by cottonbro studio
I've been able to manage my losses because I often times use to expect them that's why nothing pains more like the pain you did not expect!! Yes! Nothing pains more like the pain you did not expect because you need to start imagining why that shouldn't happen to you and how you will need to cope with the situation compare to someone that has already prepare for the worst. I'm not saying I'm preparing my mind to failure already because all I've ever wanted to be is a winner in everything I do but then life has thought me that the best I can do is to make good efforts while the ONE who decides the results for me will decide whether it goes according to my plans or according to HIS plans.

Life is like a journey and as long as I keep breathing I don't intend stopping on the way. If my decisions goes against me today, it definitely can go for me tomorrow just as it can still go against me again. The only thing I'm certain of it's not stopping on the way, not taking decisions for the fear of unwanted results is like wanting a bad result already just as failing to plan is planning to fail, life itself is all about risk and it's more risky when you don't take a risk.

Thank you for reading through my entry for Hive Learners weekly contest for week 97 edition two

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