Self-Love//Giving Myself The Best Of It

Self love is one of the best things you can do for yourself, you don’t have to be stingy to yourself or try to pretend that you don’t need pampering because I know everyone do. In one way or the other, we all need to be treated in a special way and to do so, we have to definitely start from somewhere irrespective of your status. You don’t need to have all the money in this world before you can take yourself out or probably have a certain gold or money in your account before doing anything special for yourself, remember life is too short to just sit and do nothing about yourself.

Most people, all they do is work, work, work and work without having time for themselves. Some young girls will be waiting for a guy to take them out and if that guy doesn’t come, they will rather remain at home so they can save their money. But why are some girls so stingy to themselves, must you wait for a guy to do almost every for you? Can’t you figure things out for yourself and treat that body of yours in a very special way, remember all work and no play makes you a dull person. Some people just because they grew up to not knowing how self love is being done, they still keep such attitude even when they’re married. They still believe that if the husband doesn’t do it or make the attempt then everything will remain they way it has always been 🤣🤣

me and my friends

Although, many people were not born with a silver spoon but I know that they’re trying their best while some just use that as an excuse not to take care of themselves. Well, I’m not being bothered at all, whenever you decide to show some love to yourself then fine🫶🫶

When growing up, my mum had always made sure that even if not all weekends but some, that we are well treated in a special way, so I grew up to know that you don’t have to wait for a man to do so. I don’t always enjoy going out alone because it always makes me bored so whenever I feel like I need to shower myself with love, I discuss with my friends around me which are female friends of course that we should take out one weekend to have fun and they always agree with me. We can decide to go out to a club during the night, or go to an eatery or restaurant and we make sure we don’t cook that day because everything will be taken care of at the eatery. In my school, there are lots of relaxation places that you can go with swimming pool and all, so we can still decide to just go there, sit and watch what people do but of course, we will definitely order for something.

The fun part is that I get to carry my friends along and everyone must be with their cash because no one will be left out🥰🥰, you know we girls like ice cream and all that, there is this place I like going to get that because they have the best ice cream in my area and you don’t need to have plenty money before giving yourself a nice treatment. Ever since I got new phone, I have lost many of my pictures on how well I treated myself but there are still more to snap in the future 🥰

I took myself out of recent, even my friend’s and I were planning a vacation before I traveled for Christmas so we were unable to achieve that but will definitely plan towards it again. Remember guys that it is very important to always give yourself a special treatment, don’t wait for the perfect day and time because life is too short to wait so you won’t end up waiting forever.

All images used are mine.

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