Hello Hivians

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People have dispute some times in life, it could either be two best friends having a particular misunderstanding about a guy or something that might warrant them argue or it could even be a disagreement between married couples. It could also be a misunderstanding between boyfriends and girlfriends or even siblings, co-workers or anyone at all.

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I don't like to see people engage in an argument that will lead to fight or any physical conflict because when I find myself in such situations, I don't always know how to handle them. It's normal to have a little argument with your siblings or friend but when it becomes something that you can't handle again on your own, that is when you have to try to control yourself so it won't escalate.

I have found myself in so many situations where I had to be a mediator between two close friends who had a misunderstanding and the other one was planning to cut her friend off by blocking her lines and putting an end to the relationship base on what she did. I couldn't judge the case based on what my friend told me, I needed to hear her friend's side of the story before I could settle the case but unfortunately, her friend wasn't their and as such I couldn't contribute much on the case. The only thing I told her was for her to try and sort things out with her friend and forgive her.

This particular one I'm about to say happened few days back in my hostel. It's about married couples who got into physical conflict and I happened to be at home. When I heard the wife shouting, I quickly ran out of my room and I saw the wife holding the husband's clothes. I tried my best to first calm the woman down so she could leave her husband's clothes before getting to know the real issue.

After I heard from both side of the story, I understood that the couples only had misunderstanding concerning their financial challenges and the fact that the husband turned deaf ears concerning their second child's illness due to lack of funds wasn't a good one on his side. I tried to make them understand that couples do have issues but the ability to understand each other matters a lot which they lack.

I made them to understand that they both have to work together to solve the issue concerning their child's illness by taking her to the hospital for proper treatment. I got to also understand that the woman is always eager to get whatever she wants without being patient which is not supposed to be so. I made them to understand that fighting while the kids are there watching them is very bad because it doesn't tell good about them and what they're trying to impact in them is not good, most kids want to see their parents happy.

Some kids you see facing one issue or the other is as a result of broken homes and it's not good for your child to know that hitting a lady is a normal thing in life. After much explanations, they both appreciated me for coming out and for the advice too.

I was happy the next day when I was discussing with the wife about some things that needs to be repaired in my room when she told me that her husband apologized to her after I left to my room. I was very happy that I could settle an issue between married couples.

Thanks for reading

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