Another Lockdown Will Cause More Starvation

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It’s another edition of the #hivelearners contest and to get more updates on how to participate on this, you can visit @kronias post. For this edition we’ll be talking about an impromptu lockdown which I won’t want to happen even if I decide to say how I would survive in it.
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Has it ever come to your mind that there might be another lockdown where people would have to stay indoors for months without having to come out for food or work? I can’t even think of such now because I know how brutal it was on the last lockdown and how people died due to starvation. Although the last lockdown affected the whole world, at first when the whole thing started, I was in school and I thought it won’t get to Nigeria because l believe we have a strong immune system that could fight it after hearing the signs and symptoms, I believed that something of such will not even get to us and everyone would have to live a normal life here.

When it eventually hit my country, we were all forced to go back home from school and those workers where also asked to stope work aside those health workers. At first I thought it was just a matter of time like a month then everything will normalize but I never knew that it’s was just the beginning of a very big disaster. Everyone had to stay indoors, I’m sure we all know the story and how tough it was for everyone especially those who work and get paid on a daily basis. There was no work for them and no money to feed their families, at least some stores where opened for people to buy food but what of those that couldn’t provide for their family?

The starvation was much which increased the rate of robbery in the country. The most annoying part was that I had to stay at home all day, the only thing in did was just to eat, sleep or play games, then I didn’t know anything like hive maybe I would have been more engaged with online business. I was just getting fat on a daily basis and I was working out using the procedure on my phone, I couldn’t go to the market, my uncle did everything for us because he wanted us to be safe and everything he bought was in bulk so most times, it lasted for like a month before going to the market.

If something of such were to happen again, were the world will have to go to an impromptu lockdown, how would I survive it?

I don’t think I will be able to bear that for long especially when everything is already tough now, people will have to die of starvation especially the poor, although I might be able to survive for some months depending how long the lockdown will take because I have something doing already. Even if I wouldn’t have to work again in any offices, at least I still have Hive where I will be making my daily incomes and I wouldn’t have to worry about getting money for feeding or anything that has to do with money. If there is to be another lockdown, it shouldn’t come with a deadly disease that will kill people because the last one wasn’t funny at all.

I don’t even want to imagine or think of another lockdown again because staying indoors all the time is never easy especially people like me who get sick while staying at home all day without having to go out. It will be much more fun when the country is at peace and everyone is doing what they like best because there’s no much difference between a total lockdown and someone who is in the prison.

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