A Little Food To Reduce My Stress

Hello everyone
Happy Sunday to you all

How is your Sunday going? I know some people are still in church while some are already back. Just a little discussion on my yesterday's activities.

As you all know I'm still at my aunt's house for the holidays and I don't know how long I will he staying here. Yesterday Saturday was a busy one for everyone, starting with the baby cry and others. At first we thought he was hungry but even after he had his meal, he was still crying. The mother later understood his problem, he was having a stomach pain but he took drugs for it. His cry made everyone to stop whatever we were doing because we needed to attend to him.

Later during the day, I prepare food for everyone, since I was not in the mood to swallow, or should I say I didn't have the appetite to eat, I did not eat at the moment they were eating.


It was really a busy day for everyone as I didn't have time for my Hive account nor my phone. My cousin visited yesterday and she bought rice for me, it seems she knew I didn't have appetite to eat swallow, I needed something different and she surprised me with rice and chicken.


I was very happy she came, I didn't have to think of what to cook for myself, she made everything easier for me. I ate and I finished the whole food before I continued with my work.

Waking up this morning, we had to prepare for church and it was really a great one. I'm back home now and I'm enjoying the Sunday with my family.

How is your Sunday going??

Thanks for reading

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