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"How A Drunk Friend And A Festival Mishap Changed My View On Alcohol Forever".


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Good day, people of Hive! Welcome to my blog. Today's topic made me reflect on a memorable incident that taught me an important lesson. But first, let's define what a drunkard is. A drunkard is someone who drinks excessive amounts of alcohol.

Now to the main topic; Have you ever done something crazy when drunk?
I haven't, because to me I see no reason to drink alcohol, let alone to get drunk and act recklessly. However, I do recall an incident that happened in my hometown before I gained admission to school and the incident happened to my friend.

In my hometown, we always celebrate a festival called Owu Day every two years. The festival is a special time for bringing family together, especially those who are living far away. And the festival always lasts for four days, featuring various types of food, drinks, and refreshments. And the festival is attended by local dignitaries such as kings, police, soldiers, and outsiders, and the festival is always held at the king's palace.

On the day of the festival, my friend Lekan and I went to collect our share of food. On our way coming back we encountered a group of young boys from our area drinking alcohol. Among them were people we knew, so Lekan decided to join them. Unfortunately, it was his first time drinking alcohol and the alcohol was laced with drug which caused him to get drunk but not that really. When I saw that he could barely stand on his feet, I had to help him to my house since my house is near the festival and his house is far from the festival.

On our way to my house, we passed by a group of police sitting and they stopped us and one of them was asking my friend what happened to him and when he wanted to talk, to my shock, he vomited on the police. I was terrified and felt scared as the police understandably angry and he shouted at us for spoiling is uniform and gave my friend a hard slap on his face which resulted him to sober more than how he was and the police demanded us to start doing frog jumps as punishment. I was stunned because of the punishment, then me and my friend started begging the police that he should forgive us since my friend already knew the situation he had landed us all because of his excessive alcohol, it's as if we were adding more fuel inside a burning fire because of how angry the police was, so when we saw he didn't answer to our plead. Reluctantly We complied and did it, and that experience led me to a firm resolution: I vowed never to help a drunk person again.


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Though Lekan apologised and pleaded with me not to be angry or upset for his mistake, so I told him not to worry; since the incident had already occur, and there's nothing I can do, but the incident had left a strong impression on me. Since then, I've avoided similar situations to prevent a repeat of that awful and distressing experience

In conclusion, I've developed a strong hatred towards people who drink excessively alcohol, though I don't say that someone should not drink alcohol but not to drink it to stupor. Seeing people who drink to stupor always bring back unpleasant memories of that incident, which I prefer not to remember again.

This is my entry for the Hive Learners Featured Content Week 129 Edition 02.

Thanks for reading❤❤❤❤❤.