Born Equal, Taught Inequality: The Elusive Chase for True Equality

In a world where discrimination and inequality are everywhere, can "true equality" exist? In this article, I share my thoughts and solution to inequality.


When we take a look at ourselves (human beings), we will find that we are obviously the same species. This is to say that we are all born free and equal in dignity and rights. Along the way, however, our perception of one another is altered, and we "appear" different to ourselves.

Everyone should be treated with respect and given the same opportunities, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or anything else that may distinguish them from one another. But the times we live in are way different from that.

It's sickening to the bone to see how our humanity is eaten up by our sense of discrimination. People have prejudiced opinions about other people, and the effects of discrimination and equality plague the world.

For some reason, a person would feel that they were better than the other person. And when they are higher in some hierarchy, they consider those below to be inferior, and then the inequality seeps in. For the same reason, the wealthy could think that they deserve more than the underprivileged. And, sometimes, in a room containing both sides, the former could tend to treat the latter as inferior.

We pick it up around

In a room full of babies, I think discrimination doesn't exist, at least. A black baby would relate to a white baby without even noticing their color differences. Likewise, they wouldn't even consider their gender in their interactions with one another, and the same goes for social status.


As these babies grow, they learn from their environments and the way people interact with one another. Bit by bit, they are putting together the puzzle of inequality and also installing the new program unconsciously.

Discrimination and inequality are not inherent in our nature. They are learned behaviors that are caused by societal structures, cultural norms, and individual biases.

I am equally guilty. No one is perfect. There are cognitive biases that have led me to be unfair a couple of times. It all boils down to what's been imprinted on our DNA, what we have learned, and how we have grown.

Is equality possible? And how can it be done?

What I think about making the entire world agree on one thing is that it is impossible. Human nature often drives us to agree or disagree based on many factors. This is why we have different kinds of associations, religions, and the like.

The only way I think the world can exist in equality is for everyone to be brainwashed or hypnotized, and then all thoughts and inspiration should come from one single source. Then, theoretically, can we have an inequality-free world.


Inequality, to me, is a reflection of our imperfections as humans. Imperfection is inherent to our nature,

When we take a look at ourselves (human beings), we will find that we are obviously the same species. This is to say that we are all born free and equal in dignity and rights. Along the way, however, our perception of one another is altered, and we "appear" different to ourselves.

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