The peace of the world is not something I can put my head on the line for.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learner's featured post. As much as we all want to live and coexist peacefully in a peaceful world, not all of us are willing to put our heads on the line so the world can experience the peace we all crave. We have people who have decided to be the sacrificial lamb and don't mind what it will cost them to see it happen, even if it means paying the ultimate price, and there are also people who are willing to pay a small price to ensure that the world experiences peace but are not willing to go all in; they cannot pay the ultimate price. Trust me, there are still people who are not willing to do anything but don't mind if others get the work done, and they enjoy peace and quiet.

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Corruption is so deeply rooted in the world that we live in today that it will be really difficult to rid the world of everything that we suffer today: hunger, starvation, crises, killings, and wars. I doubt if a single man's death can actually do the magic of restoring peace to our falling world. Funny how some people stand to benefit from the pain of others; such people will not even let you be the Messiah; they will try and stand in the way to ensure you don't stop them from getting to enjoy the spoils from other people's suffering.

The world we live in today is not what it used to be. A lot has been happening lately; killings, kidnappings, and wars have become the order of the day. Many are scared to leave their houses as they do not know what awaits them on the other side of the door. The world we live in today is one where people live in fear, fear of what could happen, fear of what's on my neighbor's mind, people no longer move freely, and everyone tries to play safe and avoid being the victim of the day.

Would I put my head on the line for the peace of the world?

The truth is, humans are insatiable. You can die for the peace of the world today, and tomorrow someone will go on social media and say how you died for the peace of the world was not satisfactory to them, and then state how you should have done it. Since humans are insatiable, making such sacrifices is not really worth it, they will undervalue your sacrifice some will even forget you made such a sacrifice overtime, so as much as I want the world to experience peace again, I can play my part but never paying the ultimate sacrifice of letting myself die for the peace of the world.

We can all do our part by ensuring that the world experiences peace again as well as avoid dying for such a cause at the same time because you will be forgotten, and it will be your family's loss as the world would move on. We have seen cases where people laid down their lives, and today they are history. For example, in Nigeria during the end SARS protest, a lot of people died, and their deaths did not change a thing. Police brutality did not end, but they are gone. Do your part to see that the world experiences peace again and avoid paying the ultimate price while doing so. I just cannot be the second Messiah.

Thanks for reading my post.

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