Getting chased by a turkey.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learners' featured post. As we continue to live life, we get to experience a lot of things. Growing up, I was never a fan of being close to animals. I can love them from afar, but anything that will make them come close or me go close, I try to avoid, but sometimes our fear just finds a way to catch up with us. I love dogs but hardly go near them, and boom, we get a new neighbor that owns a dog, and before I settle in, the dog chases me almost every day, and because of that, they have to start using chains on the dog. Sometimes, when I tell people I have been chased by a broiler before, they don't believe it; that day I even lost my shoe. I have many funny experiences with animals, and it is all because I fear them then.

designed in canva.

Now, as a grownup and a guy, the rate at which I used to fear them has drastically reduced. Growing up, I was chased by many animals; even a hen with chicks gave me a hot chase once, and they say those ones will go after your eye and pluck it out if you let them, so my life depended on this race, and I gave it my all. We have always heard stories about people being caused by a turkey. I never believed that because those animals look kind of slow, cannot really run, and can easily be caught whenever the owner wants, so how on earth will it give you a hot chase when it cannot even run for its life?

It was also made clear that putting on red attracts them and can cause them to give one a hot chase. I was still not convinced until I had my own personal experience, an experience I will never forget. Mom asked me to go and buy pepper that day. On my way back, I noticed a turkey trying to catch up with me, but since I wasn't expecting such, I stood and wanted to see what it would do, but it still did not stop, and it tried to use its beak on me. I dodged, and it did it again. At this point, I was scared to death and realized it's about time I ran, so I stood up and started running. It chased me. An animal used for meat, put me on the run, and I ran like hell.

I left the house through the front door. I ran to the front door, and my mom had locked it since she was the only one at home and left only the back door open. I sat in front of the door, screaming for help. It was a neighbor that saved me that day because this turkey followed me home 😂.Till date, my mom still ask me if I remember how I was screaming for help because of a turkey, since that day I agree with anybody who says some aggressive turkeys are like cultists; they will not stop until they are satisfied. I just thank God that it was a school day and other kids were in school while I did not go to school that day because I was sick, I would have been a laughing stock among other kids.

I was sick, but the turkey made me run like hell. I have had many scary moments with animals, but this is one of the scariest moments I have had growing up. This experience taught me that experience is really not the best teacher; just learn from other people's experiences.

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