An ideal, perfect day for me.

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to my blog and another wonderful edition of the Hive Learner's featured post. The definition of a perfect day varies from one individual to the next; what makes your day perfect might be different from what makes my day. For some people, it is very difficult to have a perfect; they can only have a picture of it in their heads but cannot have it as they are quite complicated and what something nearly impossible to achieve. Many individuals will call it a perfect day if and only if they were able to engage in activities that they love so much. For some, a perfect day will be one where they feel happy and more alive, a day where their happy moments supercede their sad moments.

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Sometimes we make plans and set goals and work towards achieving these set goals, but despite all the effort put in, the end result is always bad. One cannot fully decide or predict what happens in their life; they can only make plans, and if things go as planned, fine, and if they don't, they shouldn't take it to heart too. I don't decide or predict how my day goes, but I always have a plan about how I want my day to go and things I plan to do for the day, and I try as much as I can to follow my plan, but sometimes unforseen circumstances come in the way and things go sideways.

I know there are people like me out there, people who make plans in the early hours of the day or even before the day. It is more like a schedule for the day, and I try as much as possible to achieve every plan or goal, as well as going by the schedule and time of the schedule. Once my schedule is disrupted, it simply means I won't be able to achieve a goal or two, forcing me to either reschedule or not go after my goal as planned. A disrupted schedule does hurt me and is a sign that the day won't be a perfect and fulfilling one. For me, the early hours or late hours of the previous day are for making plans, while the day is for working towards making those plans happen.

Nothing beats the feeling that comes with being able to achieve everything you plan to achieve for the day even before the day runs out. Words cannot express the feelings that come with knowing that you got all you wanted for the day, even if they were not achieved easily before the day runs out. Even if you manage to achieve it during the late hours of the day, at least you will not have to reschedule or start making plans about how to go about the same goal again. The feeling of satisfaction that comes with achieving set goals for the day is what I call a perfect day.

For me, a perfect day is one where things go as planned, all set goals for the day are achieved, and I am left feeling satisfied and happy. For me, a perfect day is not necessarily one where I get to engage in activities I love; for as long as I am able to stick to my plan for the day and get things done like I intend to, then I'd say I had a perfect day.

Thanks for reading my post.

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