Every month of the year comes with its challenges. Though some months can go smoothly and freely without any troubles or major event, some months, however, can be filled with many uncertainties.

The one thing I do not fail to do every day of the month is to give thanks to the greatest entity for allowing me see another day.

Last month was a very tough month for me. It was filled with Happiness, sadness, anger and good expectations as well as tension. I don't know the exact words to describe how last month was, but what you should know is that it was a sweet-shitty month.

Everybody was preparing for Easther, fasting and praying for their heart desires to be granted. They were buying new things - clothes, shoes, bags e.t.c and were very happy. Sadly, I could not join the fasting and the fun that follows because I was reading intensely for my final exams.

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During those times, I got calls from my friends who were asking me to hang out together and have fun but I could not go with them. I just turned down the tempting offer so I could concentrate on my books and read. It was a drag and I was sad all through but tried my best to read something. What's even sadder was that I could not celebrate my mom's birthday which was the same month as my exams. I could not do anything for her, I did not even call her to wish her a happy birthday.

During these times, it was tough for me as I was stressed physically, mentally and emotionally as well. I could not think straight. If I stop reading for 2 seconds, it will be like I separated from the reason I'm living. Nobody could help, even if they wanted to. The journey was a lone one which I had to face head on alone. Being a finalist is not as juicy as other finalist portray it. Well, I guess there are somethings we have to do alone with more or less minimal or no support from any body.

During these times, I realized that being strong is not something that comes out of the blue. Being strong comes from experiences, exposure and mistakes. Thank goodness I have some of these qualities.

I wrote the exams with obvious tension and I passed. Naturally, I am never tensed when it comes to exams because I believe that hard work pays a lot but this exams, this exams made me really tensed up. I had to start grading myself just to give my self hope, trying to create my own light in a tunnel. Thankfully, I passed the exams which made me very happy and pretty much relaxed.

Passing this exams has many benefits not only to me, but to the country (Nigeria) as well as the world at large. Scaling through this obstacle made me a registered midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria. In the nearest future, I will be able to assist and proffer care to expectant mothers, provide advanced and sophisticated family planning services for couples who wishes to control their birthing, and also, be an icon of hope and motivation to other younglings who aspire to be medical practitioners.

Ever since I passed the exams, I felt happy at first but I felt nothing afterwards. It did not give me any special feeling. I got the feeling of a 30 year old turning 31. Yes, they felt nothing, just another regular day that may or may not be celebrated.
I got bored because I was more or less getting used to the stressful life. It is like when you get used to eating sugar, then somebody gives you bitter leaf. Deep down, I know he stress is not good for me, but currently, I really want to go back to that stressful lifestyle because I'm already used to it. Well, I guess that was another phase that passed away without any means of returning to it.

Anyways, this is my response to the hive learners prompt.

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Thank you for reading.

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