Children are a very important part of every society because they are the light that will shine when our lights are out off. They are the leaders of tomorrow, the ones who will take over to breed the next generation after them.

A childs learning is a very unique one, in the sense that they mirror everything their guardian or friends do. It starts with language which they subconsciously learn till they start talking fluently in it. This is possible because they listen to the conversations and gain mastery of the words and meaning subconsciously because their "environment" speaks that language to them always.

Every family has their unique way of life. A responsible family always put the well being of their children first, before theirs (from my perspective).

The responsibility of parents is to train the child in a good way, so they can be accepted by the community based on their value and worth.

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The lessons taught to a child when they grow is what they adhere to. Some times, some children derail from the ways of their parents and choose another way due to an external stimuli. When this happens, I think of two things: maybe the parenting style is not a valid one or the child allowed their friends to influence him or her. Either way, this derailment can be of good fortune and can also be a bad one.

Though I do not have a child yet, but if I have one and they derail from my teachings to embrace another teaching, I will be mad at the child at first. Really mad. I will try everything possible to make them embrace the ways I taught them from birth because that is what worked for me. If they persist however, I will allow them to continue with what they think is right while giving them my full support. I will not want to cafe them or enforce my ways on them. No. They have rights to choose what they want. However, as their dad, I will give the child my full support while guiding them to the best of my knowledge. To make the guidance more effective, I will learn about what they decide to do, them guide them personally.

The reason I will give them my support is because - most times, what we think is the right way, turns out not to be the right way at times. What works for Mr A, may not work for Mr B.
I remember few years ago, my uncle told me that he made a living through buying of shares. The story was sweet and juicy and I really enjoyed how he made it. He's late now though but was an old man when he told me the story.

I became thrilled and wanted to invest in shares but he stopped me. He told me to look for better things than shares because shares nowadays is not the best choice due to the condition of the country. He said the returns will not be good for me and he gave me his reasons. Because of this explanations, I backed down.

My point here is that - buying shares worked for my uncle but he advices me against it because that's an old way of generating money. Though it still works now, but requires lots of capital for you to earn well.

The fact that a life of policies worked for me, does not mean same will work for another person, not even my children. I may be a gentle man, but my kid will be an opposite. This doesn't mean I kill them, nope. It means I guide them, support them and help them not to hurt themselves and others.

No matter what choice my kid makes, I will be sure to guide them and give them my full support. Oh, there is an exception to this though.

I will skin my child alive if they turn from my ways and decide to be gay or a lesbian. Every of my child who decides not to be attracted to the opposite gender will be eliminated. Haha 😂. I can not father a child who is attracted to same gender. God forbid. Also, I will not father a child that changes their religion from mine. They can do anything they want but maintain the way of God, and do not ever be attracted to the opposite gender. I have gunsssssss at my disposal..haha 😂😂

Anyways, thank you for reading 😊

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