What No One Tells You About Marriage

Hello Friends,

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I welcome you to my entry on the 65th (01) week of the Hive Learner's featured post, where I would be telling us about my observations and perspectives about marriage.

My Observations About Marriage

Marriage is one of the most talked about topics in our today's society, yet so much of what is known is based on speculation or assumption. Marriage is an incredible journey, but one that comes with its own set of challenges and complexities.

From the outside, it looks like a perfect union, and it can be, but often there are things that people don’t tell you about marriage.

Although I am not married yet, I have lived with so many other married couples apart from my Mom and Dad. I have been able to observe and see the various activities that usually occur in a marital home.

Below are some important points I have observed about marriage that nobody is talking about:

Marriage Is More Than Just Love

Even most married people are yet to realize this fact, and this is one of the biggest issues facing marriages today. Some people go into marriage because they feel only love is necessary to a successful marriage, but in reality love is just one of the many requirements for marriage.

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One of the biggest things to understand about marriage is that it's a commitment that goes beyond feelings of love. When you get married, you're agreeing to spend the rest of your life with this person, through the good times and the bad.

This means that you'll have to work together to navigate difficult situations and find ways to make things work, even when it's tough. The question I would ask you is that are you compatible enough to spend the rest of your life with that person you think you love?

This is why you would hear married couples advising the single ones to marry their best friends in order to achieve a better and more enjoyable marriage.

For me, I am driving towards that direction of making better friendship with all my female friends, because am planning on marrying my friend whom I might have been very compatible with over the years.

Marriage Is More Of A Sacrifice

This one seems to scare me whenever I think about it, lol. But the truth remains that we must be ready to make sacrifices for our partners even in the hardest of times.

I recently saw a WhatsApp status from a friend of mine who is married, and his write-ups made me laughed out loud. He posted that marriage has more disadvantage to men than it's benefits. He even went further to say "men should stop kneeling down to propose a commitment that might end their lives."

I initially found those words funny, but thinking about it now, I think it's more like marriage is full of sacrifices that we must face in order to maintain a healthy and happy relationship, especially as men.

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This means learning how to communicate effectively, listen to your partner's needs and concerns, and find solutions that work for both of you.

It's just important to know that loving someone is not enough to guarantee a healthy marriage, as you also have to be willing to put in the time and energy necessary to make your relationship work.

But it's even more interesting and better when both partners are committed to making it work, marriage can be a beautiful and fulfilling experience.

Money Matters In Marriage

Forget the lies that people tell about money not being important or necessary in a relationship, the truth remains that money is as important as love in any relationship.

One of the biggest issues that couples face in a relationship is money, even though most people claim money cannot buy happiness, it certainly plays a significant role in marriage.

Sometimes the couples would genuinely love themselves but would still have the issue of money causing conflicts between them.

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I have seen cases where a married woman went as far as cheating in her husband with another man because he wasn't able to provide for the family.

This can lead to resentment and a sense of imbalance in the relationship. It's important for both partners to have an equal say in important decisions, regardless of income.
Overall, money matters are a crucial aspect of any marriage.

While money may not be the most romantic topic, it is necessary for a successful and stable partnership, as I have observed that money makes the love sweeter.

Conflict Is Inevitable In Marriage, But How You Handle It Makes All The Difference

I have observed this in many marriages that no matter how much you love your spouse or how compatible you are, disagreements and arguments are bound to arise in marriage.

It's now like a normal thing, and regardless of how you love your partner you both must have misunderstandings in the long run. Initially I thought it was a sign of a falling relationship, but in reality, it even makes the relationship stronger and more understandable.

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What I would advise anyone in such situation is that you should avoiding accusing, cursing, or beating your partner, because that would be outside the box, and could lead to consequences in the nearest future.


Marriage is a beautiful and wonderful thing, but there are a lot of things that no one tells you about it. From knowing when to argue and when to let things go, to the issue money and decision making.
I believe this would help guide us on what to expect during marriage, and how to handle it.

Thanks for your time here.

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