Snakes Are My Enemies

I believe am not the only one that hates that beast creature called snakes because how can I like a creature that is both poisonous and scary at the same time. I have heard people talk about snakes and their experiences aren't always nice.

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I have seen and heard stories about scary animals but from all I have heard and experienced with animals, I think snakes are the most scariest kinds of animals in the world. I was watching a documentary the other day and I saw how a lion as powerful as it is for bitten by a venomous snake and it's reaction was scary.

The lion kept rolling on the ground in pain for several minutes, and I began to image "If a lion could react this way to a snake bite, what then is the fate of humans?" I know some snakes are not very venomous, but I still hate all of them and I avoid them as much as I can.

I just can't stop wondering how some people are comfortable with rearing little snakes into mature creatures or probably as their pets, lol. A creature that was used by the devil to deceive Eve into eating the apple, ah, snakes can never be my friends.

One of the most scariest encounters I have had with a snake was at a fishing adventure with my friends. We went fishing in a swampy area and the water level was a little bit above our ankles, so we decided to pack out all the water and catch the fishes with our bare hands.

We could see that they were lots of fishes in that small body of water and if only we could drain this little water, the fishes would have no where to hide and we would catch them easily. We got buckets and started parking the water, little did we know that they was a snake in the water that had been feeding on those fishes for a very long time.

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Just when the water was almost fully drained, a senior friend of mine unknowingly stepped on the tail of the snake and the snake turned to him and bit him instantly. He shouted in pain and as I turned, I saw the snake coming towards my direction, ah, I immediately ran to safety first before throwing a stick to my other courageous friends who later killed the snake.

The senior friend of mine that was bitten by the snake was still shouting as if he would die the next minute, and thinking about it now, I couldn't hold my laugh, lol. We quickly sought for help from people nearby and they gave us a stone called magic stone, and as we placed the stone on the spot of the snake bite, it began to extract all the poisons of the snake in my friend's body.

We later took our friend to the hospital for proper medication and that was how our fishing adventure for that day was put on hold till today. From that day I became conscious of my environment especially when am on the bush or swampy waters.

I have equally realized that snakes are also afraid of humans, so whenever I see a snake nowadays, I try to stand firm and chase it, but I don't usually end up killing it because deep down in my heart I know I am still a bit afraid of it, lol.

Generally, most wild animals are very scary and they might be more scarier creatures than snakes, but atleast to the best of my knowledge and experiences, I would always see snakes as the most venomous and poisonous of them all.

I appreciate your time around here❤️:-)

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