My Old School Days

Hello Friends,

It was always believed that tradition was supposed to remain tradition, but in the case of the Nigerian schooling system, I think the traditions and experiences have changed tremendously.

The idea of going to school was introduced to us by the colonial masters, and we embraced it, and experienced both the good and bad sides of going to school. It is very obvious that the experiences of the the old and the modern generation students differs.

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Alot of people still prefers the older schooling system and experiences to this modern and more civilized system. Infact, many people believe that the older schooling patterns produced more intelligent and smarter students than the current ones. I wonder how true this is? But I think my old school days were really more exciting.

Something More Exciting About The Older Students

The rate of your hardwork and academic competitions among various students was what defined the order of the old school. It was a matter of being more committed and serious with your studies or ending up failing and repeating a particular class over and over again.

The older students were more focused on their studies because they had no plan B. Unlike the students of our generation, who just go to school to fulfill all righteousness, but deep down in their hearts, they have got other plans to success if school eventually fails them.

It was a cases of either I win here in school or I go back to the village and do nothing. The mentality of the older students was that if you fail to succeed and make good results in school, you would end up not getting any job in the future.

Thus, the motivation of the students to work harder and improve their mentality. This guys made more research by reading more books, even though they were no Google or any other search engine for research purposes. Their brains became the database for storing all manner of materials and research works.

Legend has it that the average older student could perform complex calculation with his brain, unlike the modern student whose best friend is the calculator, lol.

Another interesting thing about the older students was that they learned the art of communication and co-operation. Because they were no Googles, students with lesser knowledge would know how to woo the smarter students into teaching them and possibly helping them during exams, lol.

Something The Older Students Lacked

The older students in all their glory, still lacked the impact of technological innovations. Technology is what has made the world a little more stress-free and exciting. Infact, technology has impacted every sector and area of our human race if you ask me.

Even from the comfort of our houses, we get to see the world around us, and all the information we would need to know are usually at our fingertips.

And unlike the older students, we do not only get to learn about various things from our technological devices, but we equally get to see job opportunities and opportunities online.

I know of various students that are working and going to school at the same time. This has eradicated the idea that 'it can only be school, they're no other ways to work and get paid.'

However, students of nowadays are more lazy and reluctant on studying too much books, because was the need of storing too much on your head when your phone is active. No wonder students carry phones to school for malpractice during exams instead of reading.

I wonder how the world would have been, if the older students had this level of technological advancements as we have now, it would have been too interesting.

Another interesting thing about the modern students is that they have been taught the importance of entrepreneurships and handworks. Infact, entrepreneurship studies and activities have been added to our curriculums.

Conclusively, I would advise that students should take advantage of the technological innovations for research purposes, but even more, modern students should study their books even better.

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We are living in the future of the old students who read books and impacted our current world with their brilliant ideas and inventions. Why not we read more, plus the help of technological advancements, we can improve our world.

Thanks for your time here.

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