The unique memories of PE during high school

This prompt took me down memory lane as I reminisced about the beautiful moment I had with PE back in high school. I reflected on the moment I made our team proud and the moment I messed up with the game; both memories added smiles to my face as I write.


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The fun time with friends during physical education (PE) in high school is a never-forgotten moment for me. PE is a subject I have always looked forward to, not literally because of the theory aspect but because of the practical aspects of the subject. I usually yearned for it as it took us outside the four walls of the classroom to the field for different outdoor games. Due to how much I cherish participating in the games, I always mark our class time table to be sure that I am not late in school on the days we have the subjects. This is because coming late to my school will make you miss the first subject for the day as you will be made to cut a large portion of grass in the field.


As an extrovert, engaging with my friends during the practical PE sessions was always fun. If you permit me, I will participate in all the different games set out for each day, even when they are done group by group. My PE teacher, Mr. Isaac, made the whole experience worth it. There is no boring moment with him; he is so lively and full of energy. While in the classroom for the subject, he made it look so interesting through demonstrations of each game. You will hardly see any students sleeping, unlike many do when history education classes are going on..lolz. Mr. Isaac's method of teaching PE made me fall in love with the subject, and remembering what to write for the course during the exam is usually easy as the whole memory of him demonstrating the subject had a way of clouding my mind. But I wouldn't deny the fact that I enjoyed the practical aspects the most.


The whole PE experience became more interesting when the inter-house sports day was announced. Our zeal for practicing football, relay races, 100-meter races, etc. doubled. I was almost a jack of all trades. Lolz, I feel shy exposing myself here. You would find me in almost all the games for the event; however, I had one unforgettable experience with one of the games I participated in.

One of my most memorable moments

I was good with the relay race. I love it as it encourages teamwork, but On D-day, the bigger event, I was to receive the baton from the third leg and then run to the finish line, but accidentally, I received it and ran just two steps forward, and the baton fell on the ground. There was a loud scream from the audience. My team, the red house, was already leading, but that fall brought us to the 3rd position. Before I could pick up the baton and continue the race, two other team players were already ahead of me, and almost the third person was even ahead of me. However, I didn't give up; I ran with everything in me and made it to the third position. I was hard on myself; I felt I had disappointed my team, but they instead cheered me up and complimented my courage to continue the race, not minding my setback.

The lesson I learned

Yea, that moment taught me something great about myself, which is not to dwell on my failure but to rise even when I fall to keep pushing ahead. Every delay is not denial; I still reached the finish line despite my fall. If I had given up because I fell, I wouldn't have achieved the trophy at last. The same thing applies to my life generally; no matter the ups and downs, whenever I fall at any point in my life, I will rise and keep striving towards my goal.

This post was inspired by the #hivelearners community on the topic
physical education.


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