Rural Vs Urban Habitation - My Preference And Why

I lived in rural areas for 19 years while growing up before coming to the city of Lagos, Nigeria. I have lived in Lagos for 9 years as well. So for this week's contest, I will give you a quick review of my experience so far in both urban and rural settings and let you know which is my preference. Kindly stay tuned and enjoy the article.

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Lagos state is a big city with different calibers of people living in the state. There are lots of companies, markets, good hospitals, good schools, etc. A lot of people travel from rural areas to this city on search of greener pastures and that's why it's highly populated. History has it that there are so much job opportunity in Lagos and so if anyone over hear you saying that you are relocating to Lagos state, they will conclude that your time to harvest more money has come..lolz. Well, it's not totally the opposite but not as most people think it is because even with the money you will make in Lagos, the cost of living is so high which attracts lots of Bills as well. However, Lagos has all it takes to make one comfortable if you are lucky despite the stress in the city.

I have experienced the good and the bad side of this city. The thugs, and how they snatch people's money and properties. I have once been a victim but still, I love the city. I have gotten good health care for myself the time I had complications, same to my child. In the rural areas where I grow up, we don't have privilege for such good hospital. There are always an opportunity one can fix his or herself here in the city to make ends meet. The good water, the electricity, the many civilized people who you can learn one thing or two and be more exposed. Some programs organised by some organisations capable of changing people for good. All these are more can be found so easily in the city. I wouldn't deny the fact that pollution, kidnapping and other sorts of evils are found more in the city but still, it's a good place to be as we can't find a perfect being or places.

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My experience in the rural areas for 19 years was amazing. The peace and tranquillity we enjoy. The fresh fruits, food and vegetables from the farm which we enjoy. The low cost of living, low house rent for people without accommodation. In fact, life is so easy in the rural areas . However, I experienced some shortcomings, some mothers lost their life due to lack of good medical attention...some didn't even have the opportunity to get proper diagnosis not to talk of attempting to treat the ailments. Schools lack adequate facilities especially for science students who needs practicals. Many health centers, their situations are nothing to write home about. The poor network to access the internet (this affected my hive activities the last time I visited my village), the bad roads in some places and lack of good water in most cases. All these are some limitations I encountered living in the rural areas.

Indeed, rural areas has so much to offer as well and many people love residing there enjoying the mother nature, the calmness and how affordable things are compare to the urban areas but then, having experienced both, if I have the chance to change my location, I will rather change to a more developed city than where I am currently rather than the rural areas. I love both areas for different things but for where I will reside, living in the city remains my preference in this digital world because I wouldn't want to be left out on what technology has for us. Maybe it will still extend to the rural areas far better than it is today.

This post was inspired by the hivelearners community on the topic titled RURAL OR URBAN


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