A lot of time, I get lost in my imagination, and my mind travels to far places while sitting on my sofa. You could see my body full of flesh but my spirit went on different adventures. Only if wishes were to be horses...

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This edition topic from the hive learners led me into another mind traveling, while reading the question, I was smiling and I told my sister that my imagination will not kill me ๐Ÿ˜‚, honestly I have a bigger dream on how my ideal January 1st can be if all things should just happen the way I imagine it. If I could have a perfect January 1st like everything is under my control, not even money issues, I have got all the powers to make all my long waited imaginations turn into reality, then my ideas for the perfect first day of the year will be as follows:

Two days before January 1st, I will travel to Dubai with my family for a short vacay. I had always wanted to visit different places outside Nigeria during holidays but money has been hindering this imagination of mine. Nigeria has beautiful places too where one can enjoy the season, however, I would prefer to spend the new year in a different environment, preferably all holidays. I see many families always traveling to different countries during holidays, the other day my first son came back from school and told me that his best friend spent his holiday in the USA. He explained to me how beautiful she said USA is, and the amazing tour she had over there with her siblings. My first son went ahead to ask me when I will take him and his brothers to a beautiful country like his friend so they can experience life outside Nigeria. All I could do is to leave him with promises๐Ÿคฆ. Personally, I have craved for this and I can't choose any other perfect new year idea than to go for a mini vacation with my husband and my children.

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I have heard and read about beautiful Beaches and resortsโ›ต in Dubai. The first thing we gonna do after presenting ourselves to our Maker in the church on the first January is to visit this beautiful nature, explore, feed our eyes have a nice family hang out around there. If possible, go on a boat ๐Ÿšข cruise, wow ..what an imagination ๐Ÿ˜‰. I can feel the breeze touching me already, I can hear the beautiful scream from my boys, I can feel their happiness already... lolz

The next on the list will be to visit an eatery and take a bite of Arabic food.. lolz, don't know how it will taste but it's all an adventure, however, I will go with the one I am familiar with.

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If I can see Disney Junior, the kids fun world ๐ŸŒŽ, that will be another perfect location to see and I am sure my children will have an interesting memory of having fun over there. Of course, I won't end the day without visiting their shopping center to get a few things for myself and others, unto memory It's going to be just fun all the way and by the time I am done with these 3 places, it might be night already. I will then retire to our hotel, say our night prayers and enjoy our night's rest!

I will spend extra two days over there exploring the city of Dubai and just before school resumption, I will fly back to Nigeria my country to continue my hustle ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜....what an imagination ๐Ÿ˜‰

This post was inspired by the #hivelearners community contest on the topic titled THE PERFECT JANUARY 1ST


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