Meet My Favourite Food

What's your own favourite food? How is it being prepared? Well, I have been a fan of fried rice and chicken to the point that I prepare it on weekly basis if not, I just feel that something is missing, but recently I found myself developing more interest on eating beans regularly. I can come up with different styles of preparing it and still be okay enjoying the meal. So my favorite food as at now is beans, however this choice of mine might change with time because I am a foodie 🤩 and I love researching on different kinds of food especially on youtube.


Okay, let's see the question from @hivelearners Community.

Your Favourite Food
This can be any food at all. It can be local or foreign dish. What matters is that you just love eating it. Tell us why you love it and how it is prepared

I believe by now, you already know my favorite food like I mentioned above.

Beans are the most commonly eaten foods throughout the world and are one of the healthiest food you can consume, you know why? Because it contains varieties of nutritional compositions like high protein, little fat, iron, fiber, potassium etc. and these makes it a quality healthy diet.

There are varieties of beans with different colors as well, but personally I prefer eating the Honey beans.


The common method of preparing beans is the beans porridge; that's fine and I love that too but recently I found out another way which I cherish and that's eating it plain with tomato stew. Of course I can't eat beans without any thing to support the dish and so I ensure to buy bulk of plantain each time I visit the market. Having said that, I also have little garden in my house where I cultivated pumpkin leaf. This makes it easy for me to add vegetable in most of my meals.



Cooking beans is quite simple;

  • Carefully remove the chaffs from the raw beans

  • parboil the beans, sieve the water and discard.

  • wash the beans with cold water, put it back in the pot and add water just above the beans level.

  • cut smaller sizes of onions and put inside the beans, add pinch of salt too (optional), however these gives it a unique taste.

  • Cook with reduced heat until it's very soft and the water dried up.

  • Slice your plantain and fry

  • Fry your fish as well if available

  • cut your veggies and steam (optional)

  • Reheat your tomato stew if preserved in the freezer like mine.

  • Dish out your yummy beans, plantain, fish, vegetable and stew as seen above.

This is my favorite food and I am in love with it. Are you a beans lover like mine? How do you prepare yours? I want to learn from you too because I like trying out new things always

PN: All images are mine taken from my cell phone

Thank you so much for reading!

Remember to keep staying positive and be happy 😊❣️💕

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