Happy Birthday Starstrings πŸ₯³ πŸŽ‰πŸ’΅πŸ’°πŸŽ


By this time last year, I didn't know who Starstrings is. I was barely 3 months in hive then blogging without direction, blogging with just a periphery knowledge about hive, okay, let me say that I was like in a moving bus without a destination until I had an encounter with this young man through the newbies initiative program.


The best thing that has happened to me so far in hive was having the privileged to be accepted into that program. On this note, I really want to appreciate my cousin's brother again who made me find that program when I was almost giving up out of discouragement. That single link he gave me to apply for the newbie's program changed a lot of things about my journey in hive. Getting to know Starstrings after applying for the newbie's program was a great impact on me as I started following his blogs and he kept releasing content that shaped my mind about hive.


Fast forward to the period with him for the newbie's program. 5 good months of nurturing πŸͺ΄πŸͺ΄πŸͺ΄πŸͺ΄πŸͺ΄....oh my goodness 🀭🀭, thank you so much starstrings for touching my life positively through that program. I was in the dark before about hive but you brought me to the light, you opened my eyes to the right paths through that program. You made me discover the importance of building a good relationship in hive which has been my secret to my little growth so far. I know that I have said this over and over but permit me to pour my heart on your big day ❀️. I don't know how best to appreciate you but I believe you will understand that this heart is super grateful for everything you have done for her and other hivers at large.


Yesterday during the live session with the hive learners, there were lots of positive reviews about you. This shows how much you have been impacting lives in this chain. A lot of people have good things to say about you and I want to encourage you to keep being you, we love and celebrate your good deeds here❀️❀️❀️. Your time and sacrifice in nurturing newbies and providing assistance to other hivers sometimes will not go unrewarded.


Did I tell you that you are an excellent leader? Yes, you are ☺️. Working with you last year during the second batch of the newbies program proved that to me. You are always open-minded, seeking suggestions from the team leaders even when you can just take any decision you want, this shows humility, listening ears, and respect! What more can I say? Of course, I have lots of good things to say about you but this post is getting longer than expected.. lolz

Birthday prayers....

You are already marked for greatness. You will excel in all you do and to your rising, there shall be no end. God bless you more and increase you on every side, plenty of dollars πŸ’°πŸ€‘πŸ’° to your account, Amen!


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