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As regards reading, the world has come so far, one can carry his or her library in the pockets or handbag to any place of choice. You don't need to pack all the books πŸ“š to wherever you are going. Reading from the phone has become so easy and accessible. You can download 1001 topics of your choice on your device and move along with it wherever you are, isn't that amazing 😍? Of course, it is. Technology has kept making things easier for us but then, there are still some traditional ways of doing things that should not be forgotten or let me say have proven more effective to many.

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Today, from the stable of hive learners community, I will be comparing reading from e-books or paperback stating my preference as instructed.

When I started schooling from my nursery class down to high school, there was nothing like e-book reading then, within my locality. All our academic activities were purely traditional means. I remember doing my mathematics using sticks for addition and subtraction. I was trained by reading from printed books or a written notebook and penning down important points right from my early childhood and even now as an adult, this method has proven to be highly effective when it comes to retention.

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Fast forward to my university days when e-book reading became so rampant. Some lecturers had no time to visit the classroom and start dictating notes for us to copy anymore nor will they copy notes on the whiteboard. All they does was send us notes via our email and instruct us to read and submit our assignment via the same means. I remember my Head of Department (HOD) assigning one digital lecturer πŸ˜‚ then as my project supervisor. Many people in my class hated that lecturer then, cos he does his things digitally only, and so we named him a digital lecturer.

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My ebook reading started back then at the university. I could read with my phone anywhere I am, do my assignment, and submit even while in transit. I had almost all my courses downloaded to my phone for easy accessibility. However, I noticed something πŸ€”. My eyes were straining me so badly, I could shed tears without anyone beating me. The level of my retention wasn't as it used to be while reading through my textbooks or written notebooks πŸ“š. I found out that I easily get distracted by other things on the internet while reading through my phone. All these reasons and more made me prefer my usual way of reading traditional books.

Now unto my preference and why

From all I have said above, I believe you already know that I prefer the traditional way of reading through printed books or written notebooks over reading from my phone. This is because:

  • I tend to have more retention while reading through my traditional books. Now, if I am reading via books, I usually use a pen highlighter to shed on some important points I want to note,and anytime I carry my books, I see those points immediately and the imprint sticks to my brain so easily that way. Find below a practical example of what I mean hereπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡


The image is mine

  • I stay more focused reading through traditional books without any form of distractions from the internet which pops in via notifications

  • I also have this belief that traditional books such as textbooks and others go through a series of reviews before publishing and that makes the information there more genuine unlike reading via ebooks where information can be altered or published without verifications.

  • Reading via traditional means gives me no eye issues and I also get to read and pen down info which assists me to memorize content easily.

These are a few reasons why I prefer reading traditional books over reading from the phone.

In summary, both methods of reading have their advantages and disadvantages but it all depends on you as an individual, whichever one gives you a good result, you should go with it, better still combination of both makes more sense and I do that as well.

This post was inspired by the #hivelearners community contest on the topic titled E-books vs Paperbacks