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The Population Puzzle: A Look at Population Control

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of any country in Africa regulating the number of kids families can have. Ghana for instance is a very free country. You can give birth to hundreds of kids and no one is even going to care. But the truth is, these kids end up with no future. Sometimes I ask myself why someone would give birth to a child they know they’re not capable of taking care of.

Imagine having about 25 to 30 kids with an average source of income. You’re automatically going to bring suffering to yourself and your kids at the end of the day. In the olden days our forefathers knew nothing about protection and so it makes sense if they had too many kids. But men of this generation know more about protection yet we all know how the story ends. I once heard of how one man had a fight with his wife because she asked that they do family planning and he refused, so she went behind his back to do it. He later found out and it was a whole issue on its own.

It would be this same man who would not want to do family planning and also wouldn’t be able to take care of his kids at the end of the day. Having so many children even have an effect on the woman’s health. The body needs to rest and prepare well for another pregnancy but for some women, it’s always back to back pregnancy because their men won’t make them rest.

Looking at the current economy, no one even needs to advise you to limit the number of children to have. One thing I hate with my whole being is seeing kids begging or even hawking at the roadside. I sometimes wonder where their parents are. What if something happened to these kids out here.

If you ask me, I’d totally agree to the Ghanaian government regulating the number of kids families have. This will go a long way to reduce so much burden on our economy. When you walk into the major hospitals today, the labor ward is choked to the brim. Some women have to go into labor on the floor because there’s no space for them. That’s how bad it’s becoming. The country is getting choked by the day while the economy keeps going to shit everyday. With so much pressure on our amenities as a country, I wonder how long we can keep going at this rate.

Using China as an example, they had their one child policy for so many years in order to reduce their population and stabilize their economy. When they realized things were getting better, they came out with the two child policy and then the three child policy. Looking at China today, it’s ranked as one of the richest countries in the world. It wasn’t by magic. They had to take matters into their own hands for the future of their country.

For some countries like Ghana, most of these people up there don’t really care about us. All they care about it’s being corrupt and amassing wealth for themselves and their whole generations. They don’t care about the future of their country. Even if a one or two child policy is implemented in Ghana, I wouldn’t bet my money on it that it would actually go well. It can be implemented, yes. But how are we going to ensure that everyone abides by it? That’s where the problem comes in.

To me, I think this would be a great step for my country especially in times like this. But the best we can do at the moment is hope and pray for the best.

all images belong to me.