Science & Morality: Where Do We Draw the Line?

Everything happening around us today revolves around technology. It’s no doubt that our lives have been made easier with the advancement of technology. Looking into the science field, science and technology now work hand in hand in so many ways. It’s more like you can’t do science without technology.

As a biochemist, how am I going to perform my research without the necessary machines I need. It’s impossible and that’s the beauty of technology. In todays world, everything in the science field has been made easier than it used to be. Science is difficult but there’s some burden being lifted off your shoulders when it comes to technology.

In as much as I love the work I do in the science field, there have been instances where I think science went too far. The first I’d like to talk to about cloning of people. Trust me when I tell you it’s very easy to clone someone. You just need their stem cells and genetic material and you’d be good to go. Imagine being accused of a crime you didn’t commit and evidence from a camera footage shows to have captured you. It’s more like your word against the camera in such cases. Cloning of humans is way too far on the scientific field and I think it would do more harm than good to us.

Did you hear about how scientists are working so hard to bring the dead back to life? I actually came across an article on this and curious me when on to read more. The funny part is, people actually give themselves out for such experiments. Imagine dying and instead of being buried in peace, scientists will now be using you as a lab rat trying to bring your soul back to your body. I think at this point even the scientists should know that such thing is not possible because it’s only God who can give and take our souls as he pleases. Science is good but I think it’s best to let the dead rest, they’re not Jesus.😅

How can I not talk about Mars exploration. I love the whole idea and I’m really curious about the outcome but, did you know it takes nine months to travel from earth to mars? And even with this, you’re likely to loose some bone mass due to long travel time. In as much as it’s fun and all, I don’t think I’d risk my life in such a way.

Moving on to the fields where science is needed most, I’d like to address the issue of waste. The earth is ours and it’s obvious that we all produce waste each and every day. Instead of cloning humans, why don’t we rather move our focus to managing waste in our world today and saving our planet.

In Ghana where I come from, focus is given so much to the field of infectious diseases and pathogens when I real life, non communicable diseases contribute to the high mortality rate in our world today. If only we could have a mentality shift, things will be way better for us.

With the amount of wars, waste and deaths on our earth today, I believe that our focus as humans should be to protect our people, and planet earth before even moving on to explore other stuff. The beauty of science is that, it’s never too late to start something.

all images belong to me.

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