Raising Free Spirits: When Kids Change Their Stripes

I think most parents, especially moms feel a bit sad when they’re kids grow. I once heard one lady telling my mom that she felt lonely when her kids started growing and so she got pregnant with her baby at that time so she won’t feel lonely. I totally get her in some way even though I don’t have kids of my own.

Having kids has to be the most difficult part of life if you ask me. You’d always have to be responsible for them from a younger age up until they are matured enough to be on their own and even then, they would still need you. Mostly in Africa, we hear about how parents force their kids to do this and that and when their kids refuse it becomes a whole different thing all together.

I once watched a video about how one revert got disowned and abused by her whole family because she converted to another religion. Just because you are born into something doesn’t mean that you have to go along with it for the rest of your life. At some point, people are allowed to make their own choices in life because we know they’re not stupid to go into something that will harm them.

I don’t think I’d ever impose anything on my kids when it comes to their life choices because I have seen most people do that and it didn’t end well. If you ask me, majority of people are living their lives in the shadow of their parents and they realize that rather too late. Imagine doing everything you’re doing because your mom or dad said you should do it. Even if you don’t want it, you do it to make them happy. Let’s not kid ourselves.

At the end of it all, most people end up blaming their parents for playing a huge part in them wasting their lives away and some even tend to hate their parents. Some parents on the other hand do not even realize their actions are wrong until it’s too late. You can’t really blame them because they also grew up in the cycle. But, someone needs to eventually break the cycle.

Speaking of values, there’s a particular way everyone would what to raise their child. We all have values we uphold and we train our kids to do same. Imagine my child growing up and deciding to change his gender. That’s totally against my values and the values I instilled in him and there’s no way I would agree to that. The best I can do is give my advice. People would do what whatever they want to do either way, but I expect my child to take my advice.

There’s actually a huge difference between imposing something on your child and your child going against your moral values. Once we learn to accept that, I think everything will fall into its right place.

I hope you enjoyed reading this, thank you for your time.

all images belong to me.

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