Oga Wife or Career Woman?

Life is unpredictable and I bet we all know that by now. All of us at some point said we wanted to be doctors , pilots and even engineers. But guess what? Some of our pilots and doctors are all in different fields , it’s only a few people who are able to actually achieve what they really wanted ask kids.

Life can’t always go smoothly for all of us. There’s obviously going to be one problem or another along the line. For some, we can work our way around it but for others, we can’t. Life isn’t the same for everyone and that’s why I always frown on judging or making fun of others. You never know what someone is going through so, the least we can do is mind our business. I’ve always wanted to have a job when I grow up so I can have my own money and even give my parents some. Now, I am older and making my own money. But guess what? It’s not the kind of money I want.😂 if you get it.

The kind of money I want is not one anyone can pay me. With even the money I am receiving as my pay, there’s not much it can do so that should tell you something. It’s more than obvious that the system in Africa is rigged. Our minimum wage is nothing to write home about and thus, workers are underpaid. Anyone with one career in Africa has to be someone who’s well established and at a higher level. For those kinds of people, it’s okay to have one career because their pay is more than enough.

Casting an eye back on the fresh graduates who have just been pushed into the system. Imagine being payed $100 or less per month for a 9-5 job. That $100 would at the end of the month have to cater for your rent , utilities, transportation and even feeding. How is this realistic in such an economy. And to make this worse, you’d have black taxes to also settle back at home.

There’s no way someone like this can survive on just a single source of income. Most of us in such situations are always up to something. You always need to get something going on that can bring you a little money. This kind of life can be really stressful but what can we do other than hustle.

In an ideal world, I’d say everyone should just stick to one career , get the required experience and build themselves up because they have a life aside their careers. Having one career that pays well can give you time to attend to your family and engage in other stuff you wish to. And as I said, in an ideal world. Now, let’s bounce back to reality. Everyone wishes to have one simple career that pays well, but not all of us get to experience that luxury. Personally, I’d prefer one career that would give me a lot of money, like being a billionaires wife.😂

all images belong to me.

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