My Encounter With A Remarkable Mind

You know, there’s smart and there’s smart. There are levels to everything and trust me when I tell you there are so many smart people out there but when we come to another level of smart, they’re kids in the eyes of extra smart and intelligent people.

Growing up, I knew I was smart. I always aced my exams and I was also street smart. I had my way around everything and I felt I was on top of the world. I didn’t know I had seniors in this smartness/ Intelligent game.😂😂

And that was how I met this friend of mine about 7 years ago. I had just started senior high school and we had vacated for our long vacation. In Ghana, during the long vacations our parents didn’t want their kids to be at home doing nothing or getting into trouble so they would enroll us for extra classes. That was how it was done right from basic school. That particular year, I told my dad I wanted to go for extra classes at one particular school because my friends were going there and I would always get a free ride to and fro from my dad because his work was closer.

I didn’t think many people would attend but to my surprise we are many. I met so many new people during my time there and it was fun. The teachers were good and the extra classes was really helping. Within two of attending this extra classes, people were being toasted and all of that when I on the other hand was making a list of smart people so I could befriend them and learn from them.

There was this guy who would always answer all the questions in class and he was never wrong. He had all correct in all our assignments, quizzes and what have you. I knew he was smart but then he was always walking with other guys so I didn’t befriend him then.

There was so much competition in the class because there was going to be an awards day at the end of the classes. Everyone wanted to be on top of the class including me but no one hated the other. There was nothing like silent hate and envy among us. We would study together and do literally everything together.

At the end of it all, this guy went home with all the awards except two. I wasn’t really surprised because he is actually very intelligent and I was happy for him. He completed High school with flying colors, proceed to the university where he also completed with a first class and now , he’s out there doing what he loves. We speak from time to time and I know he’s doing well out there and putting his knowledge to good use. I’m yet to meet someone as smart as this friend of mine because everyone we talk , he teaches me new stuff that I’ve never heard of. Being the curious person that I am, I’m always happy to learn from others.

all images belong to me.

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