Love is Grand, But Are You Ready?

Just yesterday, a friend texted me out of nowhere just to tell me that everyone is getting married Apparently, one of our mates got engaged yesterday while one was set to get married today. But then, that isn’t even the problem, the problem is that this friend of mine somehow feels like he’s not serious with his life because everyone is getting married.

I don’t think most people have sat down to think to be able to realize that this was how it has always been. People used to get married everyday but then, we didn’t feel pressured because we were younger. Now that we are older and we see our mates getting married, it is starting to feel like something new to us when it’s not. But, this is where the twist comes in.

You all remember how I told you I’m planning my engagement with my baby @fashtioluwa. Apparently, my senior woman @abenad also passed my back and snatched my man. Now she’s the bride and I’m the blide. 😂😂💔 As they say, ebi your own paddies. Regardless, I want to use this opportunity to give them my blessing and also a few tips for a long lasting marriage.

People are getting married every weekend and people are also getting divorced everyday. If there’s so much divorce going on why are people still getting married? Everyone’s marriage is not going to be the same because you are all different individuals coming together as one. At this point I believe we all know that marriage cannot be sustained on only love . There are so many factor that come into to play and we should consider them before deciding to settle down.

Today, I want to share with you a few thing I think we must consider before settling down because they are very important.


As they say, what is a poor man doing around love. Today I’m saying, what are poor people doing around marriage? From my point of view, I believe that even though the man is supposed to be the provider, both parties should at least be financially stable to be able to ensure the smooth running of the home.

Most of women of today marry with empty hands. Are you trying to tell me that after schooling your whole life, you don’t even have something doing that would at least bring you small money. Women need of understand that it’s not everyday your husband will have money. There’s always good and bad days, so, have something doing incase you need to step in. That’s how marriage should be.

Also, I’ve heard so many guys say that they will never discuss their finances with their wives. My question to our dear brother is , if you know you don’t trust her that much , then why are you even marrying her in the first place. If you’re going to spend the rest of your life with someone, you might as well discuss very important stuff in your marriage to ensure both parties are not left in the dark

Understanding, Compromise and Patience

I prefer to box all these three into one point because they all work hand in hand.

Before you even decide to get married, I take it both parties fully understand one another. Being in a relationship is totally different from being married. I’m not married but from what I have heard, that’s how it is. Once you get married, you’d come to know more and more about your partner because at that point you’re literally seeing them everyday, they’re in your space and you do everything with them. This is why they say you never fully understand someone. You always learn something new about your partner and so, we should always be open to understanding our partners better in all aspects in marriage.

Marriage they say is patience. If you are not ready to forgive your partner 100 times a day, don’t even get married. We are all from different backgrounds and it’s more than obvious that the other party might offend you in one way or the other . Sometimes it is not intentional and it’s not necessary holding on to some of these things. As a married man or a woman, learn to forgive your partner.

I’m sure we have all seen how our parent’s compromised for us while growing up. That’s just how marriage is. You can’t always have things your way. You’d sometimes have to also squeeze a few things for your other half. You can’t be selfish in marriage. Try to be thoughtful and learn to compromise because it is only then that you would have peace in your home.

At this point, I wouldn’t want to bore you so much so I’m going to leave you here with these few tips. Let’s hope our latest couple come back to give their testimony.

all images belong to me.

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