Is Humanity Worth Dying For?

In life, you’d obviously have to sacrifice a thing or two for a particular cause. But then, the question we ask at the end of the day is if it was really worth it. Honestly, sometimes some sacrifices people make are just in vain because while you sacrifice so much for someone in order to gain a good result, the person doesn’t even realize the weight of your sacrifice.

Human beings can be very very ungrateful at times. We have all in one way or the other made mistakes in this regard but one thing that makes a difference is we learning from our mistakes and learning to appreciate what people do for us. Just a few weeks ago, the presidential candidate for the reigning government in Ghana select his running mate and made it public. Just a few days after this , this newly elected running mate came out to give a speech which got all Ghanaians angry. I take it that we all know the late President H.E Dr. Kwame Nkurumah. We all know how much he sacrificed for Ghana and the limits he went to in order for our country to gain independence.

This man came out to say that, this presidential candidate he’s serving as a running mate for is the best president Ghana will ever have and even ‘our’ Kwame Nkrumah cannot come close. I wasn’t even angry at the fact that he had the audacity to say all this. What got me mad was the ‘our Kwame Nkrumah’ he added. Imagine someone sacrificing so much for you, your kids and your generations to come and you come here saying ‘our’ , meaning he doesn’t even hold him in that regard. I’m sure he will reap what he has sowed in the coming elections this December.😂

I believe this should emphasize on why I say humans are very ungrateful. You would go to heaven and earth for someone and they would one day ask you what you have ever done for them. It is more than obvious that our world is facing many problems today but what we do not want to accept is the fact that we create all these problems for ourselves. Moreover, the world is rich enough to solve all these problems in a day but guess what? Everyone is looking out for themselves and their families. Politicians stealing from their own people, unnecessary wars, scams here and there, theft and armed robbery and so much more .

The way I see it, the world doesn’t really need saving as it says it does because if we really wanted change, it would start from us. In another world, maybe , and just maybe, I might consider giving my life for the benefit of the whole world but currently, it’s a no no for me. Maybe I can suggest someone else to be used for this sacrifice because they have subjected so many people to pain and suffering. Why would poor me be the one who would have to save this wicked world. The same world you would sacrifice your life for, would turn against you and say they never asked you to do that for them. That is the nature of humans. Maybe we can have this discussion when I actually see everyone of us doing better.

all images belong to me.

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