Confessions of a Happy Employee: Perks and My Dealbreaker Line

As a kid, I always looked forward to growing up so that I could work and make my own money. Honestly, those days I thought people only worked because they needed money but , now that I am older I have come to understand that there’s more to working than just the money. Money is important, yes! But you need to have the passion for the job you are doing to be able to put in your best. I’ve known people who quit their job because they didn’t have the passion for it. They were only doing it for the money.

I never for once in my life thought I’d end up teaching at this point in my life. But then, I always have my plans and I make sure that whatever I want to do aligns with my future goals. I wasn’t really sure about starting this job and I spoke to a billion and one people about it before finally making a decision. I didn’t even know what it entailed, aside the little information I gathered from people who had already filled this spot before. Eventually, I decided to go for it. Most people have the idea that being a teaching assistant is something bad and I also thought same. In my school, much credit wasn’t given to teaching assistants because we thought they were bullying us and felt big but that wasn’t really the case.

When I first started this job, I didn’t really know what to do but my colleagues at work were very receptive and were ready to guide me through the whole process. Even though they had more experience than myself, I was surprised by how they related with me. The always made sure to create a safe space for everyone and I would say we are more like a family now. There are so many benefits of working in my current field and these include the fact that I get learn new things everyday without being criticized or looked down on. Also, the kind of support I have received here is really overwhelming.

How can I forget the everyday gist I enjoy at work. There’s always something to talk about because these guys at my workplace know all that is going on in the whole institution. Aside the gist, we always have very important discussions which would actually change your perspective on many things. It’s beautiful to see how different people from various backgrounds can meet to discuss a topic without any fights or arguments. I feel everyone one of us is open minded and understands that it’s okay for others to not think the same way as you.

Personally, I believe the experience I’ve had here would be different for everyone depending on who they are. I have other colleagues from school here but I can’t say they are enjoying the whole experience like I am. This is because they don’t really have the passion for it like I do. One thing I know would surely make me quit this job would be a bad or negative working environment. Since starting this job, I have never seen any of my superiors abuse their power and it’s sometimes very hard to believe. They are so down to earth it makes me see the world from a different perspective. If this should change, I surely wouldn’t feel comfortable at the job anymore and would have to quit.

It’s one thing to be be working, and it’s another thing to be doing the work I am passionate about. Everyone loos forward to having a stable job and also a source of income. But I believe that a healthy working environment is equally important.

all images belong to me.

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