Clawing My Way To The Light

Sometimes I wish I am not who I am because honestly, if you were to be me for a day you might run mad. Being an over-thinker, depression has grown to be an everyday thing for me.

Before, I didn’t even know the word depression, what it meant or even how it happened. I would just start to overthink and with time, I get moody and gradually I get lost in my own thoughts and it’s a whole mess. Sometimes it all happens before I even know what’s going on. At the end, all I can do is wallow in misery.

Depression is real and trust me when I tell you it’s something you wouldn’t wish on anyone. I have been battling depression for literally my whole life. Sometimes I wonder what went wrong but I never seem to understand what happened. A few days ago, someone asked me if I don’t miss schooling, the school environment and all of that. My answer was no and they were surprised. The whole point wasn’t that I should check up on my friends who stay with their parents because apparently, they are those battling depression the most.

I could really relate to that and I agree to it because way back in the university, I used to get depressed on campus but it wasn’t that serious as compared to when I went back home during vacations. I would have a lot of house chores and kids to baby sit. So many errands to run, siblings and parents getting on your nerves , you name it. It’s like your life just changed within a twinkle of an eye. Then there are those days that there’s no one at home. All your friends are busy with their own stuff and you’re left all alone in a big house with your thoughts. Even though there’s so much comfort as compared to when you were on campus, someway somehow, you fall victim to depression.

There are so many things that can trigger depression. For some of us, it runs in our family, for others it’s due to their personality, loneliness, stress and many more. Depression can rise from even the little things you pay no attention to. I can’t even count how long I’ve been battling depression until I found ways and means to get a hold of my life.

As someone with a degree in depression, here are a few tips to make your life depression-free.

Be active and keep yourself busy all the time.

As they say, the devil finds work for the idle and that’s what happens to many of us. Having so much free time on your hands can make your mind
wander to places you don’t want to. In that moment, you find trouble for yourself by coming up with anything that would get you to worry or make you moody. Gradually, you find yourself falling into the pit of depression.

Have a routine

Having a daily routine has so many advantages than we realize. Imagine waking up from bed and not even knowing what you’re going to do for the day. At the end of the day, you realize your day hasn’t been as productive as you expect. When it comes to having a routine, once you’re up from bed, you know what’s next for you and it continues for the rest of the day. This way, you have things to do at all times and at the end of the day you realize your day has been productive.

Seek help

It’s okay to ask for help sometimes. No one is perfect and that’s okay. As humans, we are there to help one another in difficult times. Sometimes I tell my friend @yahuzah that I’m depressed and he’s like ‘why are you depressed?’. If I knew why I was depressed I wouldn’t be telling him.😂

Most at times people might not be able to understand you at the beginning but with time, they are able to help you in one way or the other. The best way to avoid depression is to seek professional help. I haven’t had the chance to get that, but I still get help from the people around me.

I wouldn’t say I have been able to fully do away with depression but I have improved drastically over that past two years. It doesn’t take a day to manage depression, it takes time so don’t be hard on yourself. Go at your own pace and you’d be fine at the end of the day.

all images belong to me.

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