Breaking Free

Somewhere last year, if you asked anyone close to me if they thought I could work on my overthinking habits they would tell you was a lost cause. I don’t know who or where I got this trait from but I used to be one hell of a chronic over-thinker.

I was always thinking about every little thing which had or was even yet to happen and to make things worse, I would worry about the aftermath. I didn’t even realise I was overthinking until a close friend pointed it out to me. Hell, I didn’t even know what overthinking was but I was doing it everyday.

If I said this habit of mine didn’t affect my mental health and everything I was doing negatively then I would be lying. Most at times, I would think too much to the extent of getting depressed and then I would worry some more about how and why I am depressed. With time, it started getting worse. I was loosing focus and zoning out anywhere at anytime and I was also losing people in my life because I would always push them away since I was worried about one thing or the other.

Along the line, I realised my new job(overthinking) was bad for business and I had to find ways to control it even if I couldn’t get rid of it. I told my close friends and they made fun of me. Everyone thought it was a joke including myself.😂 I knew it would be hard but the first step to getting better is to make make up your mind.

I remember telling @yahuzah that I was going to be intentionally positive about everything in my life because I believe that was where the problem was coming from. Before then, I would always tell others that I mostly consider negative stuff because as you think of the good, also think of the bad and what could possibly go wrong and they would tell me I was a negative person so I totally understand the reaction I got from @yahuzah when I told him that.

I didn’t start big, and even with the little steps I started with, it wasn’t easy. People would always do thing that would drag me down the drain but I had to keep my cool because I knew I was out to meet my target. At times my friends would intentionally do or say stuff to see if they could get me to worry and start overthinking and at the start it worked. But with time I started to get better with each passing day.

I wouldn’t say I have been able to fully do away with my overthinking habit but I’m in a much better place than I used to be a year ago and one thing I would say helped me the most would be positive thinking. Sometimes we might not even realize some basic stuff we do are not good for us and it only takes one good person in our lives to get us to know that. The rest is up to us. I didn’t know I had a problem but the people around me knew and they helped me get better but it all had to start from me. Was I willing to do better? Yes! And did I do better? Yes, I did way better.

All images belong to me.

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