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I want to travel the world, it's one of the biggest things on my bucket list. Mainly to try a lot of food from different cultures, meet different people, just have a good time generally. I've been thinking of where I'd want to go most of all and making the top of my list is the Island of Mauritius. The closest direction I could give about its location is that's it's close toMadagascar. When I was little, I always wanted to go to the popular places, Rome, Italy, Paris, the Bahamas and don't get me wrong, I still want to go to all those places but I would want to go to the Island of Mauritius most of all because of one thing, a movie.

Most of us might have seen this movie, "Me before you" starring Emilia Clarke (popularly known as the mother of dragons from Game of thrones). It's your regular kind of romantic movie, two people meet and fall in love and you know the rest. In one of the scenes, Will and Louisa (the people that fall in love), visit the Island of Mauritius for a short vacation. They lodge in a hotel and have the regular fun everybody does on vacation. But what got me was the scene at night were they're together on the bed and Will asks Louisa not to close the windows( it's raining) and together the watch as lightening hits the sea multiple times, so much chaos yet beautiful. I fell in love with the moment.


If you like to get a clearer picture of the science, you can check YouTube, I've made it easier:

I pictured one of the highlights of my life visiting said island, lodging at the the Marriott Mauritius Resort( yes, I did my research) and having that same moment with or without anybody by my side. The windows opened, the wind moving across the whole room as though in search of something, the view of the beach as lightening fights the sea, the peace it'd bring me.

Moments like these are what I look forward to, moments where I feel at peace. Apart from that, "the moment", I'd generally love to explore the island, see what the people are like, might learn a few things.

The land has alot to offer like the blue penny museum, the Trou aux Cerf( it's a dormant volcano crater with a small lake),

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The tamarind fall

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I would've picked one of these as the exotic location but the whole island itself is exotic. I wouldn't mind to share this moments with friends, the exploring the island part, make memories. As I write this, I could almost picture myself there. If visiting Mauritius isn't on your list, you should definitely add it