Hello everyone welcome to my blog 😌 today i wish each and everyone the best in all our ramifications πŸ₯° i will be talking about passive income today and i hope you will like it.
One of the best thing is to have a side hustle that brings Money without too much stress at least you will know that you have something to fall back on. So do I have a side hustle that brings money for me yes i have two sides hustle which is my phone engineer and my Tae-kwon-do coaching. Let me start from my phone engineer it doesn't stress me at all it only takes me few minutes to fix anything i want to fix on Any phone and luckily i can earn as more money as can in a day more so i have plenty lots of time to do any other things that i want to do. If there's good movement of sales in my phone repair i can have as much as i can imagine, i sell phones, repairs and also phone accessories, all this 3 brings good money as a side hustle.


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My Tae-kwon-do coaching my Tae-kwon-do coaching is also my side hustle and i know that at the end of the month i will have a certain amount in my bank account meanwhile i can only do much stress when I'm training the new people but for the children that are already in training it's easy for me to train them, my Tae-kwon-do give me alot of time because we only meet twice in a week and in the two times the time spent will be 3 hours for one class in two days, for instance i meant we meet on Wednesday 4-6pm Saturday 8_11am at the end of the month i will receive my salary. Althou i don't have schools I'm teaching yet but i imagine myself teaching schools and i imagine how much I'm going to make every month without too much of stress and still have time to do another work.


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Some of the sides hustle i wish to have anytime soon is to build a good standard gym and spa house where big people can get their fitness done βœ… in this gym you will be able to find anything you are by looking for and different coaches and also therapist and the necessary people will be there, I want this gym to me one in town where big and investors people can always come for any type of training. also training of kids and the rest will be available.

Lastly along with this big gym and spa house i want to have a big hotel for my passive income where people can find any good thing they want in any hotel more so this hotel will be number one in town ☺️ i wouldn't mind having more passive income as i keep growing all the time but for now i will love to go for this.

This is my little story about my side hustle and the passive income i wish to have in future i hope you like it please do well to drop some comments as i love feedback alot thanks.

Welcome to my blog have a nice day

this beautiful topic called passive income was inspired by @hive-learners community and you can go through @kronias writeup to get the full details.

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