A Terrifying Ride

Most times when people say someone had an accident, the question I ask myself is "how did it happen"? "Didn't the driver see very well?" Or "can't the passenger cautioned their driver from reckless driving?". But I never knew that giving up the ghost doesn't even take up to a second if an accident should happen suddenly in which one wouldn't have the time to caution anybody.

December 24th (Christmas Eve) 2020 was a day I will never forget so quickly because I died and resurrected that same day when I got involved in a terrifying ride along with my guy. It was my Mom's birthday, so I was called by him so that we both would go out to get her gifts.

I was busy throughout that day because of Christmas preparations so I told him to wait till evening when Mom and my sis would have went for Christmas Eve service so that we both will go together and get her the gifts so that she will meet the gifts at home once she comes back from church service.


Evening time, we both boarded a tricycle to an eatery to get snacks but due to the festive period the snacks were sold out. We move to another eatery which was close to the former one, we were lucky to get some snacks there. As we were about leaving the eatery, my guy told me to let us stroll to a close by shopping mall to get few things to the snacks so I agreed and we walked to the mall.

On getting to the mall, it was jam packed with lots of people shopping for Christmas and we were unable to make payment on time due to the crowd. After spending like 25minutes on queue he was able to pay and we went ahead to find our way how. Getting out from the shopping mall, everywhere was clumsy due to the festive period. After waving down different Taxis and Tricycles for like 10minutes and not getting any going our way we decided to board a motorcycle.

The rider was on helmet so we couldn't see his face like that but we reach an agreement for the price then we both boarded it and he drove towards our destination. At first he rides smoothly and we didn't notice anything funny about the rider but along the way, a car was to turn by the right and the pointer was pointing to the right direction could you believe our rider increased his speed and drove pass the same direction the car was turning to. We both shouted at him because we were terrified with his reckless stunt and pleading with him to stop if he won't drive carefully.

He pleaded with us not to be angry that he didn't see the car on time that was why he drove like that. We continued and accepted his apology, only for the rider to increase his speed as if he was on marathon race with someone, we started screaming but this man turn deaf ear, my heart beat started beating fast when he refused to listen to our plead and we were genuinely scared for our lives.

When we are almost at our destination we screamed stop, this man didn't listen till he applied brake at few meters away from our dropping point and eventually stopped. We quickly jump off his bike and sat by the road side to thank our creator for saving us from the killer rider.

It was when my guy forced the bike man to remove his helmet so as to question him why he drove like that, that we discovered he was drunk. I bursted into tears, I couldn't control myself. I was just asking myself different questions "what if a trailer was coming? what if this man ran into a big pothole? what if?.......

We just paid him and walk home thanking God for safe guiding us because we see no reason for exchanging words with a drunkard. Since then, I move closer to any motorcyclist I call to be sure if the person is drunk or not so as not to endanger myself.

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