My Entry || Two Most Valuable Achievements When I Was Still in School || Hive Learners Contest

Hello Hive Learners, how are you all, hopefully we are all still in good health and can participate in activities smoothly.



Alright friends, now we have entered the 15th week of the first edition, so this edition is the last edition of the 15th Week which has a very interesting theme for us to discuss, namely our proud achievements. All my friends, I want to tell you the achievement that I am very proud of that I have achieved since I was born until now.

Talking about achievement, we can define achievement as the result of each individual's efforts. So every individual who gets an achievement of course they are very happy with what they have achieved so they get something award. As we know that in life there are many achievements that can be achieved by everyone, including:

  • Learning achievement, in education of course many friends who have achieved achievements in their childhood in education, an example that I can give is when a student gets the overall winner so they are very happy and can make their parents happy. That may be because of their hard work who is diligent in studying so that they get very proud achievements.

  • In the world of work, there are also many people who get achievements that are the results of their very satisfying work so that they can improve their careers or can increase their positions for their hard work during that time.

  • Achievements in the art world, sometimes people who have good art are certainly highly sought after by others to see their art or buy their art so that we can say they are people who have artistic achievements, an example I can give is a singer or artist which can have something of appreciation.

  • Achievements in the field of sports, of course in the field of sports there are many types that we can take as achievements, as we can see that sometimes there are people who have skills in the field of soccer, of course they have extraordinary achievements.

  • Achievements in the environment, in the environment is also an achievement if someone can take care of their environment well and they can form a group to be able to implement a more beautiful environment such as maintaining cleanliness, planting trees and others.

For those who have achieved achievements, we can define them as people who have increased their potential. Someone who gets an achievement, of course, has also realized the quality and quantity that is in them for their success that they have obtained, for those who have achieved achievements are also very proud of themselves, their family and also friends or people around us who recognize us.

All right, my friends, I'll just tell you all about the achievements I've had that can make me very proud of these achievements. When I was still in grade 1 at a junior high school, of course when I first entered the school my name was in a local that was not included in the core locale, so in that school for grade 1 there were 6 local 3 locales were considered as local core and 3 more locales are considered as regular locales, so my name is in the regular locales nothing in the locales are considered as the core locales. Of course, what we know is that people who are in the local core are called people who have more abilities or are smart people. Because we have just entered the school and are only in grade 1, there will be another assessment so that we can reach the core locale for every student who can get an achievement. At that time we held the midterm exam, of course I was very grateful to be able to get the top 5 in my local achievements. After it was announced that I was in the top 5 achievements for students in the local area, I was transferred to the core locale with some of my friends who have names in the top 5 achievements in our local study.

This is after I told my parents that I had been transferred to the local core and I also told them that I got the top 5 achievements in that room, so my parents were very happy because their beloved child was able to sit in the core class. So after I was in the core locale and there my competition was getting tougher and I saw in the core locale there were a lot of students who had extraordinary abilities in the field of learning. Most of my friends are still in regular classes which are not included in the core class, so every break I still meet my former friends who are in regular classes I still join them because they are my first friends when I enter to that school. So this is an achievement that I am very proud of when I was still in junior high school, and there I also have another very extraordinary achievement that I can influence other people so that on that day I look very special because I can bring my team get first place.




When I was in grade 3, so in the core locale that I studied, we only had 40 students including 11 boys and 29 girls, so there were 11 boys in the core class I studied there. I'm the only one who often joins friends who are in classes that are not included in the core class. So in my class we can say that my friends in their class are people who always hold books to study and my friends who are not in their core class are stubborn people who have abilities in sports. So at that time the principal held a football and volleyball competition. So the people in the non-core locale all of them have a bigger body stature than the students in the core locale, in the core locale only I have a bigger stature than other people so I am very suitable for showcase my career in volleyball tournaments.




Some of my friends who were in grade 3, their core always mocked me that they were the ones who won both in football and volleyball. I can only smile because my friends in my local area are people who rarely do sports, it's just me and there is one friend who has played but is not very good at playing volleyball. When the tournament started I embraced my friends who were in the class where there were only 11 boys, the rest were all girls. I keep encouraging them that we can do it, I also tell the girls in my class to watch the match we are about to start. Their men also told me that they were not good at playing volleyball, then I told them all of you even though you couldn't but have to help me even if you don't pick up the ball on the field so I can control it as long as there is someone who can tosser volleyball, so I covered 4 of my friends who were not good at playing volleyball, I was with a tosser who controlled the field, while our opponents were all good at playing volleyball so they fought for something like volleyball, so during the tournament we were the ones who got first place, and I managed to bring my team to get a great award. Maybe those are the two achievements that I am very proud of, and hopefully in the future I will still want to be like that again to be able to invite a team without never giving up but we have to try with passion.

That's all I can share on this occasion, hopefully this article can be useful for all of us. In the writing that I have embraced, of course I wrote it in my own language, then I translated it into English with the help of Google Translate, so if there are words that are wrong, please forgive me because I really didn't mean it. Thank you to all my friends in this beloved community who have encouraged me. Thanks.


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