My Entry || First Earnings || W11E1

Hello Hive Learners friends, how are you all on this occasion, hopefully on this occasion we are always in good condition and can participate in activities smoothly, stay excited in participating in the 11th week contest at Hive Learners.



Alright friends, I'm very happy to still be able to meet friends to share posts in this beloved community. We have passed the 10th week and we can share our articles very well according to the theme that has been determined by the community, and now we are entering the 11th Week, which in this next week we have a very good theme, namely, First Income, so on this occasion I will discuss a little about my first income.

Of course, all friends must have something good, income in large amounts and also income in small amounts, but if we talk about the first income, of course we have to remember our past. So when I was little, if I'm not mistaken I was around 12 years old, at that time I had started to join the people around me, even at that time I had started to join the adults in the village. my address. I have started hanging out with them at one of the coffee shops in my hometown. After I got to know a lot of adults, I was often invited to go to the fields to help them harvest rice, I think they invited me to help them, it didn't mean they were telling me to work, but it seemed like they wanted me to be able to help them and I was also given money for my snacks from them. Things like this are not permanent, sometimes they are invited, sometimes they are not invited, because for me this is not a permanent job because at that time I was young and I was very close to the adults around me, and if we obey them they also want us to be able to help them and be given money.

I think it was one of my first incomes when I was little, after I helped them a lot and they gave me money then I got to know a lot of money, so in the future I also want to find a side job while I go to school. At the age of 13, my friends and I also often went to the garden in the area where I live, to help plant peanuts, we as small children were given to help them grow peanuts and we were given pocket money for us to go to school. Maybe this was very exciting when we were small, we could earn while we continued our education at that time. Then the more we are in the village we always want to find work that can produce the needs in our lives. And I am grateful that until now I already have a permanent job, even though my job is only to serve my own country.




It's healthy to write how my first income was, then allow me to tell you a little about my income when I was around 13 years old. At the age of 13 I went to junior high school, we went to school from morning until noon day, then from noon until the evening we and our friends always want to find activities that can make money. There is the father of my friend, he is a buyer of nutmeg, when I went to his father's house he said, you guys are better off going around to places where there are nutmeg trees, then you ask to buy nutmeg, after you buy you sell to me you guys must be profitable. That's what my friend's father said, after we shared our thoughts with our friends, it was indeed a very good idea. We didn't have the capital to buy it in the nutmeg garden, then the father of my friend also gave us a little capital to be able to buy nutmeg, we always went around the areas that were close to us then when we saw a nutmeg tree we immediately asked who the owner was. After we asked who the owner was then we asked to buy their nutmeg on the tree. If the owner gives it, we will pick the nutmeg from the tree and then we will take it home to sell it to my friend's father, so before we sell it, we peel the skin off so that only the child is left inside with the series. We will return the capital that my friend's father gave us after we sell it, so his capital is deducted later, the rest is profit for us. For me this is my experience in making money in my childhood that I can't really forget. So, as we all know, every fruit from a plant must have seasons, sometimes they bear fruit, sometimes they are not fruiting, so if for example the head is not fruiting at that time, we prefer to be able to work as car washers. Even though we work side by side like this but we are still enthusiastic in continuing our education, we work to add snacks to our lives.

So the conclusion that I can convey here, for my first income, of course, was because I was really diligent in helping them harvest their rice products and then they gave me money after I helped them. Maybe if in my childhood I didn't join the people around me, of course I wasn't invited by them to carry out the rice harvesting process. Maybe my source of income is only from agricultural products because in my area there are lots of agricultural lands, namely rice fields.

Maybe this is all I can convey on this occasion and hopefully this is useful for me and also for all my friends. I thank the seniors in the community and also to friends who have supported me in sharing posts in this beloved community. So in writing the words, I usually use my own language, then I translate using Google into English, so if there are wrong words, please forgive me. Thank you.


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