Understanding The Newbies Initiative Program - Learn From My Own Experience


Hello from this part of the world, my name is Mistural, and on the Hive blockchain, I go by the handle @mistural. First and foremost, I'd like to congratulate all of the newbies that were selected for this initiative, as well as the team behind it.

The Newbies Initiative Program

The newbies initiative is a program with the aim of assisting newbies on Hive in understanding how the platform works. They assist newbies in understanding the basics of Hive, as well as the Do(s) and Don'ts (s). Additionally, they support the newbies with upvotes, tips, and encourage them with comments.

Why You Should Learn From My Experience

I applied for the last edition of the program and got selected, all the selected members have access to a channel on the Smile discord server, we were instructed to drop our post link provided that we support the post of another member and indicate the name of the member, this is to encourage engage and interaction among the newbies, in addition, this will allow the newbies to know one another very well. Throughout the three months of the program, I met a lot of people and learned a lot of new things, including how to use tags, the different types of communities and the types of content you can post there, the importance of engagement and interaction, how to find the perfect niche that fits you, the importance of powering up, and so much more.

My Advice To The Newbies

  • Engage and Interact With Different Communities

It's no longer news that the newbies initiative has integrated with the Hive Learner community; this is a fantastic alliance, and I'm delighted there's a specific community for newbies to publish their content; however, my advice is that you should try to diversify your engagement; there are various niches on the chain; find one that suits you well and interact with the members, engage, and make friends.

  • Find The Perfect Niche That Suit You And Build A Solid Relationship

You might be wondering on how to find the perfect niche that fits you and engage with them, that was the same question I asked myself but thanks to @josediccus who took his time to explained how to go about it in the simplest form.
He only asked me one question, which was, What do you enjoy doing? I replied that I enjoy cooking and spend most of my time in the kitchen practicing recipes I've learned on YouTube, and that was the answer. Food is my specialty and something I can do without breaking a sweat, so he suggested I start blogging about the meals I prepare, the steps involved in making the recipe, and the delicacies. Now to choose the community that best matches my niche, since there are many on the chain that support food, so he suggested I go with the community that is part of OCD incubation program, and the idea community is Foodie Hive Bee, which support food and recipes contents, That's how I got started with the Foodie Hive Bee community, commenting on other people's posts before dropping my own (@starstings01 suggested this), and it's worked out well because the majority of my earnings came from the content I published in this community, as well as the majority of my followers.

Do You Know You Can Use My Method To Discover Your Perfect Niche Too?

So, I'm going to ask you the same question: what do you enjoy doing? Is it Photography? Music? Games, Drawing, Crafts Making, Fiction Writer Or do you enjoy Cooking? Look for the community that match your niche and also consider the community that is part of the OCD incubation program. Develop relationships with the community's administrators and moderators, create high-quality, original content, and make sure you credit the source of any image or text you copied from the internet or from another user.

What Should I Expect From This Initiative? (Question From Newbie)

I know a lot of newbies will be asking this question, but I'll like to respond based on my previous experience. Like I said the program is set up by some kind hearted members with the aim of helping newbies developed and understand the basics of Hive, the resources available are limited which what I mean is that; upvotes are not guaranteed. My advice for you is that you shouldn't expect large upvotes since the selected newbies outnumber the resources, but believe me you will definitely be supported, supporting isn't about large upvote but the team will provide answers to any of your questions.

Furthermore, there will be meetings on the SMILE Discord server (please make sure you attend all meetings), during this meetings you will have the opportunity to ask questions and make suggestions. Finally, you will be required to complete a task within a certain time frame, and if you fulfill the task's guidelines and rules, you will be rewarded with upvotes the task will also helped you understand Hive.


Hive is so broad that you will continue to learn even after the program is over. I still don't understand some things on the chain and I keep asking questions. I just hope @josediccus, @starstrings01, and my gaming mentor @ksam don't get tired of answering my questions, so please don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand something; my discord DM is always open.

I wish you all the best of luck on your Blockchain journey over the next three months; remember to study, earn, engage, and have fun ❤️😊.

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