Sketch of Big eye's girl |Creative Sunday

Hello friends

Today is creative sunday contest but, I didn't know but my brother told me that today is creative sunday contest.

I also had a day off from college and was free so I made a sketch for the Creative Sunday contest.
To make a sketch I needed a sketch pencils which I did not have۔My sister also makes sketches, she also has sketch pencils, I took those sketch pencils from her.

First I modeled it to make a sketch۔ Whenever I make a sketch, I draw the eyes first. I did the same and drew her eyes first.I gave her eyes a 3D shape with the help of Merger.

After making her eyes I made her nose.I turned the pencil coin into powder and applied this powder to the tip of the merger and made the nose appear in 3D shape to make it look like a real nose.With the help of Merger we can convert any sketch into 3D shape, making it look very real.

I have also used merger to make her lips so that it looks real.

To sketch her hair, I took a thick pencil from the sketch pencil and a dark colored pencil to make her hair look thicker.

Here also I used Merger because Merger is very important thing for sketching.

It had been almost two and a half hours since I made this sketch, I was quite tired. I thought, I should rest for a while.After about an hour and a half I continued the sketch from there۔I was very excited to see the final look.So I tried to finish my remaining work quickly۔

After the sketch was done I looked for a fixative spray. With the help of fixative spray, the sketch is protected from dust and does not get damaged. I ordered this fixative spray from the daraz app.

Here is the final look.

You can watch video on my youtube channel. I was trying to upload on 3speak but it's failing.

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