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I love music and do More of music,I once wrote about how I got myself into drums playing here on hive.The everyday step and procedures, although it was hard but I kept on moving forward.

On the greatest compliment so far,This will take me back to when I started playing drums.Then when I started playing drums as a beginner then I only get to play drums whenever everyone has leave the church.But as times goes on I see myself improving and I started attending weekly service in other to put my skills to use and perfect them since those that play for the church do not come during weekly activities due to distance and work schedule.
During one of The weekly service of which I attended,The chorister started singing and I mount myself to the drums stand and started playing along with the song, not quite Long one of the church professional drummer came in and sat down at the back.

Immediately I saw him enter,I started feeling scared about what I was playing,in other not to screw the whole thing up. He sat down at the back through out the service and i was opportuned to play all through.
But to my greatest surprise, after the whole service he came to me and was like 'when did I start playing drums' i told him I started weeks ago.
I was amazed when told me he loves my little strokes including the way I maintain the tempo,he complimented my play that day and encouraged me to keep up with the act saying the more I play and learn From professionals the more I grow tight in drums.

After the whole thing he encouraged me to join the music team so he can mentor me personally,I got his contact of which he promised to send me drums materials in other for me to improve .
I left the church that very day like the happiest Man in the world,I got home feeling extra happy.

He sent me the materials as said and we meet every Sundays for guidelines of which I also learn From his Strokes whenever he plays.
That was how I started my dimensional growth in drums.

The compliment might look small but it meant a million to me then and now.
Thank you for reading through my blog

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