Scenes Of Crimes & My Safe Haven In Between

Before I started to write this, I was hoping I won't end up comparing my former vicinity to my present one but somehow, all my ideas on how to give a better answer to the topic takes me to comparing both. So I'm just going to begin my response with a little comparison.

It's always easy to know when a vicinity is safe or the opposite, I've had the opportunity to live in both kinds and I know very well how to be grateful for the past vicinity I lived in.

At our former place, there was hardly a situation of crime but the reason was quite obvious. There was a big group of vigilante working tirelessly to keep the vicinity safe, a well known hotel with professional soldiers living in to stay on guard and the people living around had little, some or no big lifestyle stuffs for thieves to be interested in.

The vicinity was a definition of simplicity, we could spend very late nights outside, chatting and playing with friends and our elders would be at the sides playing elders game while watching us closely.

One thing I've come to learn growing up is... Never let your guard down no matter how safe situations may seem.

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My dad is a perfect example of always being at alert, he has laid examples so many times that I've become almost like him in that regards.

I don't just walk around in our new vicinity with my heads down or walking nonchalantly as if I own the streets even though it had been quite peaceful since we moved in. I wish nothing bad happens but stay alert should in case any happen.

Our new vicinity has been giving me the vibes of crimes since we moved here and it's no joke how different stories come in every week.

Once it's 9pm at night, the whole street is quiet. You need to see the street when it's day time, I still get shocked at how quiet it becomes once it's 9pm 😅

The first crime scene I almost witnessed but only heard the details was at the junction of my street, just a few walks away from our home.

Cultists went after a guy and shot him dead sending all the people in that scene area run with their hearts in their hands.

It was later heard that the dead guy wanted out from their cult activities and they couldn't risk having him rome about with what he knew, so they killed him 🥲

I've also heard of a lot of break ins, thieves stealing other people's properties through the ceiling. Churches losing their equipments especially the expensive ones to thieves. I've seen supposed matured people fight to almost killing themselves on the streets.

It's from one crime to another here, I feel the whole street has become scenes of crimes as these crimes were done on different times and different places on the street.

In all of this, I can only be grateful to God for having our home safe and away from all of it. Of course, we are still very much vigilant and make sure to have our doors locked once it's 9pm at night.

I don't know what it is like here during the late night aside the fact that it gets super calm and quiet. My family and I just try to live as steady as we can while we stay vigilant.

The working vigilantes here aren't working at all, it's too obvious they are there to take salaries and not work. Some rumours even go around that they are the thieves, while I wouldn't want to believe that, the possibility of it being true is quite scary.

Regardless, we stay vigilant and happy as much as we can in between the unrest scenes of crimes here.


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