Popular For My Skills, Attitude And Knowledge

I was the shy, quiet and brilliant girl... No lies about that, like I was so good at being all that. I was almost like a ghost student, who only speaks when asked a question or talking to her close friend (seat mate). It would have been the wildest dream for me to imagine that I'll become popular in such a school as the kind of student I was.

But the story changed when we got a new teacher...

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I won't lie, I wished things didn't change because I didn't like much attention to myself but it was inevitable when the new teacher declared me as her favourite student because I answered a question of hers brilliantly (she made me whisper my answer after noticing I was shy). I thought it was over when I gave her my answer but I guess she wanted to help me get rid of my shyness, she appointed me as her favourite student who would have to pass information to her.

I became a leader of the class in getting notes from the teacher

I wish it only ended with just announcing when we have the teacher's class but no, she relied on me to copy her notes on the board for my fellow students and surprisingly, I didn't my job almost too well that I got a name from my fellow student. I was so fast with writing on the board that I got the name "Coachy" 😂

One of my classmate called me that name when she saw me late last year. They would complain so much about my speed in writing on the board but most of them preferred it that way as the other teachers were too slow. It got to a point where all the teachers contacted me to get their note across, I became a guru with a chalk and a black board 😅 I wish I was paid for it, I would have been a young millionaire.

I was popular for my shy attitude

I mean, how is that even possible? My fellow mates kept talking about why I feel so shy around every other person in the class. They would use my shyness to make really funny jokes, I didn't feel bad about the worse ones because I only got to realize that I wasn't the ghost student I was before. Everyone wanted to be my friend because they felt my shyness was what brought the teachers closer to me.

I wish I caused a few troubles as a student then but I was the direct opposite as I helped teachers catch the bad guys and write names of noise makers in class 🥲 I still remember how my fellow student talk about me during break time about my merciless list 😂 I wouldn't say a word but my ears are so busy waiting for a word to write a new name or increase a punishment lol.

Assignments, tests and exams gave me too many friends

Thanks to the teachers who kept revealing how good I was with my grades, my fellow students found out what I was hiding in my shy brain and they all wanted to be friends with me. I kept explaining one answer to another to different students and that was how I ended up talking too much in class as I was always found saying something. I got free break meals because of that especially when exams are getting close.

I loved those times because they actually helped me understand my subjects even more. Being popular for these things helped me get rid of my shyness to an extent and I appreciate it but I wouldn't have mind if I wasn't stress that way to fight my shyness. In all, I loved those days and I miss being called Coachy 😂


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