Offline Activities I Did Through This Week

A new week starts with a Sunday for me, I heard some people start their new week from Monday but mine is Sunday and it's my favourite day of the week. Sunday was a fun day for me as I had my siblings around, we took tons of pictures and sorry I can't start showing them all here... The image at the top is a picture of my brother and I.

Sunday is always special for me as I get to worship God Almighty, rest well at home if I want to but last Sunday had me chatting away with my siblings, eating enough and downloading some series to see.

And from Monday till today being Saturday, I've been stuck with one kind of activity (maybe two because I honestly can't let my week's activity be too stiff no matter how stressful it is for me).

And that activity is my school project work practicals... I've been so busy working on my project topic which is related to finding bacteria isolates in Dates fruits. It's more stressful than I look in those pictures so don't think other wise.

I've done my practicals over and over, thanks to the strict supervisor I was blessed with... The full story will come in later post maybe after I'm done with my project work and defense. But for now, I'm sharing it as one of the major offline activity I got busy with this week... It continues next week but I'll be fine.

Another activity I kept myself busy with this week is, completing a series of kdrama I downloaded. It's one of my favourite offline activity because I get to have more ideas of what to write about on Hive especially movie reviews.

I got to finish two kdrama series this week and I started a new one just yesterday... If you're interested in knowing the names, they are "Extraordinary Attorney Woo, Oh my ghost and Business Proposal" I'm still on the business proposal which is going so well for me.

If you won't mind, you can check out the first two I mentioned... You'll love the lessons from the first and the Comedy from the second, they are good kdrama series to see.

I do have other offline activities I engage myself in even though you may wonder how I do have time for all of them especially with the number of series I do cover in a week haha... I just have my ways (no special way actually, I just rarely rest).

My sister also helped me weave my hair early this week before going back home, she made an easy hair style as I don't have anywhere special to go except the school lab everyday.

Other offline activities I did include eating at a restaurant for a change of diet since I didn't cook this week, visited a big laboratory to get items for my practical, did laundry (a lot of it, it was so stressful), and I chatted a lot with my friends at school and neighbors at home.

It was a mixture of fun, stress and learning for me through this week's offline activities I engaged with.

What did you do offline this week? You can share yours in the comment section or why not write a post about it if you want to.

All images used in this post are mine and taken at different time

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