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Little Study, Little Work, Slow and Steady Wins The Race

That actually sounded more like a poem to me, I think I should apply for a poetry learning school... What do you think? 😅

I was on a call with my sister when I got notified of the last question for this edition, I smiled and told my sister that they gave a question that seem like it is directed to me (it actually is but not only me). It's a question I ask myself sometimes too... How do I really cope?

I've been in school for almost four years, studying and experiencing strike upon strike thanks to my beloved messed up country. All the while that I've been studying, I've also been active in my blogging goals. It's been one year for me on Hive but almost three years into blogging counting from when I joined a platform that doesn't exist anymore.

It isn't an easy task to work and study to achieve goals but it is very possible, achievable and fun sometimes.

Little Study, Little Work, Slow and Steady Wins The Race...

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That may mean to you "study hard and work hard in a balance" even though it doesn't reflect too much on the title but that it can also be what I meant. I can't give up my studies to focus on my work to earn more, and same goes for my work too. Both have to stay for me to survive as I do need the money I earn from working to cater for my studies need.

It's not by working hard sometimes that makes you achieve your goals or by studying hard that makes you pass all your courses in flying colour... That doesn't mean you should lazy about, just strike a balance!

It can be very stressful sometimes

I've once had a day I woke up and couldn't feel my body just because of stress from studying through the night with little sleep after composing two posts during the day. It is more stressful than what you're reading now. How I do survive it is still a wonder but the thing is, I've gotten used to it because of one thing.

I made working my fun time

I think I can only give this tip to whoever wants to dare study and work together. You would have to do a work that is fun for you and not suck your blood out and all your strength needed to study. Don't think too much of your work as a way to earn, think of it as your fun time.

After studying as much as you can for a day (I usually hate studying for too long to avoid brain knock 😅), go back to your work (since mine is blogging, I go back to holding my phone).

I can be very conscious of how I spend my time online and on my studies sometimes, I make sure I achieve something that day no matter what! And it's been cool for me, stressful but cool.

I never forget to take a break or rest

Until recently, I would spend a whole day in my room working and studying without eating, taking my bath or even closing my eyes a bit... My brain would almost go offline 😂

I learnt my lessons when I found myself in a hospital, it wasn't a joke anymore. I knew I had to give a balance and I did. It's not like I rest enough nowadays but it's way better than before.

I even find time to see movies, take walks, visit friends, chat online and offline with friends and many more... All together with my studies and work.

It will be stressful when you're a working student, but with a balance, it is super easy and fun. Don't force it when your body says you should eat, rest or play, do it with pleasure... Once you die, everything ends (Never forget this).

So I guess the poem should be rephrased to...

Study hard, work hard, play hard, eat well, rest well... Slow and steady will always win the race.
