I'm Not One To Quit - That's A Lie!


I've heard people say this phrase a lot of times "I'm not a Quitter, I always win!" and I don't remember saying such a phrase since I learnt how to talk... Does this mean I'm a Quitter? I'll agree with you if your answer was yes 😅

All my life, I've come to realize one thing I'm so good at... Avoiding stress! I hate anything that would make me do too much and stress my brain for little outcome so I tend to give up before I begin. I know it's a problem but I'm yet to see it as a problem since it's fun in most of the cases where I've quitted.

I have a lot of stories where I quitted without feeling like I did the wrong thing and I'll share one most memorable one after a little instance of my quit story.

I use to love to eat sugary foods... Like I was a bad abuser of sugar and I don't think twice when I want to eat food with lots of sugar. I actually thought it would be difficult to stop so I just continued but today, I have not stopped but I quitted taking it in excess 😂 that's a quit story right? It has to be one, it wasn't really easy for me to quit totally but at least, I quitted it to an extent.

I quitted a job because of an abusive Boss


Words don't get to me easily because I value my smile a lot and I love to feel free and comfortable wherever I find myself but if I feel like that feeling is being threatened, I hardly think much to get rid of the cause. I was one of the most active secretary working, I was enjoying my job so much and the fact that it was my first time working to get paid officially, it felt different for me.

But things got bad when I began to get annoying remarks from my Boss. He says bad words like it's nothing and tries to attack my emotions without feeling like he's doing anything wrong. I thought I would be able to bear with it so I could continue enjoying my job and get my pays, I was wrong.

It got to the extent where he said things about my parents that he had never seen or heard anything about them, I calmly walked out of his office and did my job like normal as if nothing happened.

And that was it, I didn't even let him know I was quitting. I just went home, ate my food well and slept so well without setting my alarm to wake me up early the next day. Mum asked why I was quitting and I just gave her a simple reason which she understood totally and complimented me for making the right decision.

As much as I had enjoyed working there because of other reasons, I hated the fact that I came across such a Boss as my first time working. I wish it was different and I'm grateful I quitted... I'm not a Quitter? That's definitely a lie!


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