Celebrating Year 2024 With Family, Friends & Strangers

As usual as possible, the first day of the year came and went like a usual day. It would have been totally usual if I didn't get a call from a friend turned family. Well, before the call, I'll share how my first day into the year was looking like.

Ordinary... would be the right word to use but what was so ordinary about it? Well, I did some things I usually don't do but it wasn't because it was a new year, it was simply me not being overly excited about the new year... More explanations? Yeah, I'll share.


First of all, I had new year eve event and so I didn't plan anything special for the new year's day, I just prayed I'll have another great coming year. I've learned that the new year's day is like every other day and doesn't really need the too much hypes and celebration except I'll do same for every other day since it also involves sleeping like the dead and waking up again with no clue of whatever happened during the night.

So yeah, I woke up like it was another day again and I felt grateful like I would in the other days when I woke up healthy. This new year's day, I actually woke up late but that didn't change anything. I stayed on my phone for some hours, sat outside as for once in a long while, the street was very quiet.

I guessed everyone was busy in their houses or went to services. My family and I just listened to music, I sang along a lot with smiles and joy in my heart. Dad was in a very good mood, I got done with my post for that day and I was happy to be less busy with everything.

Just as I was about lying down to see a movie, I got a call from a friend. Her words still rings in my head sometimes and I laugh to it. She was like "Merit, so you people won't come and visit me at my house ehn?" and I went like "We're even planning to come, we're coming".

Oh no! I didn't lie, I had planned to visit her even though not on that day but her call had to make me visit that day as I figured I could just get it done since I was free and doing almost nothing. My sister and I got dressed and went out together for the visit, we couldn't look like we weren't in the mood of the new year so yeah, we looked good for our visit.


You see that sumptuous looking meal up there? Our friend welcomed us with that even before we sat down properly when we got there. It was like she had been waiting for a long time with our meals specially served and kept 😅 I reconfirmed that it would have been a huge case if we had not visit that day.

There were faces we were not familiar with in the house but it didn't feel like it and I guess the new year's vibe is responsible for it. We saw a movie together, took lots of pictures and videos that I think I don't look so good in 😅 but in all, I was glad I went out.

Going back home, we came across a sister's shop where she sells wears and we got new year's gifts from her, new wears! 😅 You can guess that we couldn't stop being happy to the fact that we choose to leave the house that day.

And that was how I spent my new year's day, not so ordinary after all.

First image designed with canva, Second image is mine

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