
My maternal grandmother is the oldest person in my life. She is a sweet human and fun to be with. My grandmother will give me so much food to try out whenever I visit her that I will end up holding my stomach to bed due to overfeeding. That shows how much she adores me.

I guess it's due to the fact that I lived with her from the time I was a baby until I was six years old. Yes, I didn't stay with my parents due to some reasons until I was six years old. My grandmother shows me love every single day, makes me laugh, and comforts me when I need one.

At a moment in my life, I have felt like I am the one she loves most among her granddaughters. I guess that's because I am her first granddaughter. We were so close and bonded well together, and that makes me cherish every moment that I spend with her.

personality that I love about her is that she is a strong woman, respects people, and cares for everyone around her. I enjoy a lot of things about my grandmother, and I will be listing some of them.

She is a hard-working woman.

My grandmother is a hard-working woman, and I have heard most often from people that she had the strength of a man. She owns a big farm in a small town that is close to Igbotako and plants a lot of farm products there. I visited her farm several times when I was young and realized how amazing she was when I grew up. How hard-working she is interests me every time, and it's one of the things that I respect about her.

She is a great cook.


I love her food so much that anytime I am visiting her, I make sure my stomach is empty so I will be able to eat as much as I can when I get to her place. That shows how great she cooks. I could remember her telling me when I was little that food that is cooked with firewood taste better than food that is cooked on gas. I don't know how true that is, but I will just have to believe her because all her food tastes great and she makes use of firewood to cook.

She gives great life advice

My maternal grandmother is one that draws one closer and gives great life advice. She will speak and advise a person for many hours and end up saying that's all she can say to you after making someone sit for a lot of hours.

She checked up on all his family.

This woman will make sure to check up on his children and their families. She called me most times in college to ask about my well-being, and we got to communicate several times.

I love her so much, and I wish she lives long on earth to enjoy the fruit of her labor.

Thank you for reading.

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