Hello hivers

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Everyone has their preference when it comes to reading. Some like reading from their phone while others prefer reading directly from books or notes.

Over the years I have read from my phone and from ebooks because there are times I developed an interest In reading a particular novel which I don’t have a hard copy of it. The best I can do at that moment is to go online and make use of my data to google search for the novel then I am good to go.

To be able to read from your phone you must be determined to because along the line you might lose focus and get distracted by doing other things on your phone. That’s one of the disadvantages of ebooks or reading from the phone but one of the advantages is the fact you can read anywhere, anytime and have many books on one device. My lecturer and course representative in college always provide us the student's PDF for all our courses for us to read before the beginning of the semester so we can read ahead and they all have been helpful as I read from my phone anywhere and anytime.

The one I prefer between reading from Ebooks/phone and traditional books
I love reading from my phone because it makes me concentrate and I won’t have any distractions at my side. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t say I don’t like reading from my phone but there are times I will be reading from my phone and fall into the habit of mindless scrolling online or my phone will ring, it might be from family or a close friend, then I will have to talk with the person and forget I was reading. As a student reading from my notebooks or textbooks directly has been the best for me because whenever I hold books in my hand or place it on a table in front of me it’s giving me these kinds of vibes of seriousness and concentration.

I understand and assimilate things fast when I read directly from my books that’s why In college I am always fond of attending all my department lectures so I can write down notes whenever the lecturers are teaching as that will help me when I have to read.

And yes I love keeping libraries because I always feel happy and good when I see books in my room.

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It’s funny how I still have novels and books I bought in high school in my room at my parent's place and some in my room at school. I love reading and yes reading is my passion from onset but as I grow up one or two things kept distracting me from being the bookworm that I use to be but still yet I am still good. I could remember I use to buy novels twice or thrice a week in high school because I love reading them and It’s funny how I don’t even have time to read novels anymore as I do before.

So anywhere I ask about my preference in reading it will always be having a book in my hand to read which is having a hard copy of a book.

𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕤 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕖𝕟𝕕.

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